Let’s get organised in February

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

It’s February already, can you believe it? How did that happen so quickly?  We had a fabulous January, although it did start off with me really sick, it did get better.  It was great to spend time with kids over the school holidays, towards the end of it we ventured down to Sydney for a family wedding, my kids were all involved in the wedding Mr nearly 13 walked the bride down the aisle and the girls were bridesmaids.

Our youngest had a birthday the day after the wedding, she turned 11.  She wanted to do something together with the extended family so we visited Taronga Zoo. Ooh what a remarkable place for animals to live, they have such a glorious view. Did you know you can visit Taronga Zoo for $1 on your birthday, thank you to one of my readers for sharing this top tip with me!

I found some clarity in January, in myself to look after me, plus I reflected on the year past in regards to the blog. I said goodbye to my assistant Kate as I am wanting to get back to basics on the blog. Which I have thoroughly enjoyed so far, it is extra work for me, but it’s a good thing.  With that extra work I need to find balance as I can’t do it all. So that will mean every now and then I can’t share a blog post every day. Tomorrow actually is the first day in I can’t remember how many years that I will not be publishing a blog post. Be still my anxious heart, it’s OK, it’s going to be OK… lol. Balance will be my key to getting back to the happier, healthier me.

Let’s get organised in February

When I first started the blog I used to share a monthly planning post, which used to coinside with a daily task at the beginning of each month.  It’s today’s task actually, which I give you in my daily newsletter and on my facebook page “Prepare for the month ahead”. Sounds easy, but what shall we plan?

Personally, by sharing this post each month it will be a great time for me to let you know how I am going, I love the accountability I have with you all!!

February to-do list

This is my list of goals I want to try to do this month

  • I am crazy…. all my 3 kids have their birthdays within a fortnight, the twins birthday is soon. We have delayed their birthday parties to celebrate a few weeks after their birthdays, so they could settle into school first.  So this month I am crazily celebrating miss 11’s birthday party one weekend, then the following weekend celebrating the twins 13th birthday with Mr having all his mates over on the Friday night, then Miss have her friends over Saturday night.  They have given me their list of foods they would like, and Miss games she would like to organise, it’s going to be loads of fun. I’m going to be easy on myself and not make it too complicated. Got any tips for me??
  • Create a space for the kids school bags, I thought they’d prefer their bags in their bedrooms, but Mr nearly 13 and Miss 11 prefer to keep their bags downstairs.
  • Organise Miss 11’s bedroom.
  • Continue being kind to myself and stopping when I find I am tired.
  • Get my full health check with the GP, my appointment is booked in.
  • Find a sport for Mr nearly 13 to sign up to for the year.

I’ve created a printable, February 2016 Monthly planner page to help you organise your goals for the month. It has a little quote for some inspiration for you:

I cant change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination jimmy dean

Click here to download – sorry this content is no longer available


February’s Free Monthly Calendar

Use the 2016 free monthly calendar, Weekly Planner or Daily Planner to help you plan your days through the month.

Plan your month

Ideas to add the following to your calendar:

  • Birthdays & Anniversaries
  • Holidays
  • Public Holidays, find dates here
  • School term start and end dates here
  • Pupil free school days
  • School events, discos, fun days
  • If family/friends are coming to stay
  • Business trips
  • Hairdresser/beauty appointments
  • Dentist checkups
  • Health checkups
  • Time to sit down and meal plan
  • Plan an upcoming holiday
  • Immunisation for kids and pets
  • Time out for YOU!
  • Date night
  • Girls night out
  • Family fun day

February Birthstone is: Amethyst

What goals do you have this month, personally or around the home?

FREE PLANNING PAGE - February 2016 Monthly Planning Page. Use this page to prepare for your month, setting your goals and priorities. With a little quote for inspiration.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.