How to Organise Kitchen cabinets

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot.

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

5 steps to having beautifully organised kitchen cabinets

I posted way back when I started my blog how to organise the kitchen cupboards, the same principals still apply:

  1. Clear – Remove all items from cupboard.
  2. Clean – Wipe shelves down with all purpose cleaner and a cloth.
  3. Declutter – While organising the cupboard take the opportunity to declutter and purge, throw away cracked or chipped crockery and items that you never use.
  4. Organise – When organising your cupboards use the: SOMETIMES, RARELY, DAILY approach.  Items that are used daily need to be easily accessible at the front of the cupboards or within arms reach. Keep the rarely and sometimes items on higher or lower shelves.
  5. Admire – Take a step back and admire your work!  Great job!

Below I share you some of the kitchen cabinets from our new house.

Crockery Cupboard

This is the cupboard that stores all our dinner plates, breakfast bowls, yogurt bowls and drink bottles.  At the back of the cupboard I store dessert cups which are rarely used.
Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

I found this cupboard constantly had drink bottles falling over and kids being kids just chucked them in and closed the door, it drove me insane!  To keep this cupboard tidy I have used Kvissle magazine files from Ikea ($14.99 set of 2) to help keep the bottles upright.

I keep the kids lunchbox cutlery and other little bits and bob in little plastic drawers I purchased years ago from Bunnings.

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

Plastics Drawer

In our new house we have drawers to store the plastics and I LOVE them.  I find the so much easier to keep tidy and easier to access. In the top drawer I keep our most used plastics.  Containers I use for left overs and lunchbox snacks.  I use long plastic storage baskets found at the local dollar store to help keep the smaller items tidy.

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.


2nd drawer down stores additional plastics that aren’t used as regularly.

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

And the bottom drawer holds mixing bowls, silicon baking trays and round cake pastry and cake tins.

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

Baking Cupboard

I have continued to use the same method of storage as our old house.  This basket, which I purchased from the Reject Shop years ago fits perfectly in the cupboard and stores all the tins tidily.  When I need something I slide the basket out and pull out what I need. To the right I keep silicon mats rolled up (I use these instead of baking paper). On the bottom shelf I have baking trays, cooling racks, muffin tins etc.

Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

Do you have any tips on keeping the kitchen cupboards tidy?

Do your kitchen cabinets need attention? Why stop there?!

I am offering a FREE 5-Day mini eCourse that can help you make a start. My eCourse helps those that struggle to find motivation and make the first move towards a clean and organised house find inspiration and receive my secrets to success. Over the course of 5 days, I will be sending out emails with tools and tips on how to approach the big clean.

 Keeping the kitchen cabinets tidy can be an endless battle especially if the kids are helping to put away the clean dishes. However, if you make defined spaces for crockery, plastics, cutlery etc this will help the family place everything back into the right spot. Here is a look inside some of my kitchen cupboards.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.