How To Organise Digital Photos

Clever community ideas for how to easily manage, organise and back-up your digital photos without spending too much time or money on doing so.

With over 59,000 photos currently on my phone, I’m more than a little overwhelmed about the idea of sorting through these digital photos and finding a suitable way to store them. Naturally I put this question out to my wonderful community: ‘How do you organise and store your digital photos?’. The answers flooded in, and I’m delighted to now share these insights with you all – I hope you find them helpful!

It seems that we all want the same thing – a solution for storing our digital photos without spending a fortune on back-up devices or cloud storage, whilst also avoiding hours of sorting through our images. Here’s what some of you from The Organised Housewife community suggested.

Create Folders

“I usually at the end of the year transfer them to the computer, under the year and then groups.” – Marlene W

“I sort all into monthly photos not just the kids, all backed up to laptop which is also backed up to external hard drive…  I also only keep approx. 1500 photos on my phone then start afresh so I always have enough space on my phone.” – Ann H

“I sort and delete the bad photos every few months off my phone into folders. The kids photos go by month as it makes it easier to make a yearly photo book. Then I put those organised photos on my phone and laptop and back it up on a hard drive.” – Kellie B

Keep Up With The Times

“However you store, make sure you will be able to access them in 10 or 20+ years time. Digital technology is changing SO quickly, and you will need to be able to transfer all those photos as it changes. Professional photos we have on CD’s are now corrupt (CD’s have a lifespan – who knew!).” – Kath E

“We have old computers we can’t bare to throw away because they have family photos on them. Praying that some where down the line someone will invent something so we can retrieve them.” – Debbie P

“Old PC can have the hard drive emptied via what’s known as a ‘piggy back’ on another hard drive. Not 100% sure how it’s done but if you know someone who is tech savvy they could probably do it. Good luck.” – Coleen C

Print Them!

“I remember reading a story from the head lady at an archive facility in Canberra who said the best way to preserve your photos is to PRINT them. Food for thought.” – Kath E

“I back all of mine up but I also print them into photo albums. They are all organised in a cupboard in date order. When I get around to it I am also going to put them all on photo USB’s in a family member’s safe. Meanwhile, they are backed up in 3 places.” – Samantha C

“I use Chatbooks – I just download and they make the books and then send them to me…fantastic company.” – Elita H

External Hard Drive

“I lost over 5000 photos from my SD card being corrupted in my phone. I had nothing backed up & it cost me $500 trying to get them saved with no luck. I have now learnt my lesson. I purchased the SanDisk ixpand drive to back them up on, but I will admit I have been lazy with that, ugh!! I had a few friends tell me they load all of their photos onto Facebook & make those albums all secret albums so only they can see them. I thought that was such a great idea so I’m now going to start doing that.” – Manda F

  READ MORE: Best Way To Keep Digital Photos Safe

“Delete all bad ones & once a month back up to your PC onto a portable storage device. That way you have a couple of copies.” – Coleen C

“I bought a SD card for my phone to have more storage. My photos also go to google photos which is free. You can access your photos from any device.” – Dianne M

Use Google Photos

“Google photos app. It stores everything from your phone without using phone space. Can create albums, edit and transfer all photos from Facebook over. It’s the best. I’ve lost so many photos when a laptop died or a phone. All you need is a google account.” – Sarah C

“Google photos. I set it to automatically backup my photos.” – Simsima B

How do you organise + store the photos on your phone?

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How to organise digital photos

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.