Our new school bag nook area + new school organising printables

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife


So many of you have asked how my kiddies went for their first day of school, thank you that is so kind of you.  They were buzzing from the 1st January to start school, then after we got their uniforms during the 2nd week of the year they became even more excited. I think they dressed up in their new uniforms for everybody that came to visit, they were that excited.

The twins started high school this year, year 7.  My kids have attended a public school since prep, however we chose to send them to a local private school for their high school years.  For a few reasons, but ultimately I fell in love with the schools philosophy to help the kids achieve as individuals and I could see it was a great environment for the kids to learn and gain confidence and skills for their future.  It is a prep to year 12 school and thankfully they had a placement for our youngest, Year 5, earlier than we expected, so all 3 started this year together.

Mr 11 and Miss 9 both have friends at the school so the transition was a lot easier than I anticipated with leaving all their friends.  Miss 11 has made some new friends and looks just like a doll in her new uniform.  

I love sharing pictures, but for the kids privacy I won’t show photos of them in their school uniform, although one clever teacher recognised one of the kiddies as her new student!!


A difference we have found in this new school is that the kids have quite a lot they need to take to school, full PE uniforms, laptop (which they call a slate), diary and some days they need to take extra food for after school as they have compulsory after school sport sessions.  So as I do I created some charts for them, to help them remember to pack everything into their PE bag and to remember to take all that is needed for their school day.

These are the new charts I created, I’ve put them in the shop available for you to download if you would like to use as well, along with personalised options.  I’ve just printed them for now, will laminate them once all subjects and sporting commitments are locked in.  I already need to change the timetable to add in before school activities.


This timetable chart also helps me, I check it the night before so I know if I need to pack extra food for after school or that I need to wake up early to take them to before school commitments.  To be honest I am a little frazzled with all the before school and after school commitments for each individual child, with a few trips each day to and from school, so I LOVE having this here for reference, keeps me in control and organised.


I keep these pages in the school bag nook area, which this picture shows how it’s tucked away from the rest of the house.  We recently added a 2nd rail to the nook area for their school hats.

2015 Organised School Bag Nook Storage

Find more school bag nook ideas here:  25 School Bag nook ideas  |  24 reader school bag nooks  |  Storage unit for school bags  |  more nook ideas

New School Printable Charts

Pack in Sports Bag – a chart to visually remind children what to pack in their sports bag for school.  Available here or you can personalise them here.  I printed these onto A5 paper and laminated them (A4 laminated sheets cut down to A5) so they can always keep it in their sports bag.



Have you packed in your school bag – I created a new version of the ‘have you packed in your school bag’ charts for my kids and as always I upload them into the shop for you to use too, the new version includes the reminder of diary, computer, sports bags etc.  Available here in a range of different colours.


School Week Timetable – Help keep track of the week of school activities, subject and/or more using the weekly timetable sheet.  Write in what activities/subjects the kids have each week and place on the wall for easy reference.  Available here and also personalised option is available here.

My the kids have various commitments before and after school, plus they like to keep note of what subjects they have each day which helps them keep on top of their homework and remind them what books they need to take to school.


How are you handling these first few weeks back at school?  What have you done to help keep yourself organised?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.