Effective uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil

This post is sponsored by Thursday Plantation

Headaches like to hit when you least expect it, I get tension around the side of my forehead and find they mostly hit me when I am stressed or have forgotten to drink water. The kids get them when they are tired, usually after a busy week at school. When I can I try to reduce ailments naturally.  I added a few drops of lavender oil to my homemade heat pack, this helps release tension from headaches and the fragrance is very calming, sit in a quiet room with this over your head for 10 minutes you will feel the benefits.

I've put together my little list of therapeutic uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil in the home. There are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well.

Essential oils are becoming very popular, as there are so many various uses for them these days. Three of the most popular of nature’s oils are eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender oil, each being very versatile for managing ailments, as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. Plus, you can also use them as natural cleaning products too, but that’s a whole other post!!

Thursday Plantation’s oils are 100% pure, 100% natural, giving you a wide range of therapeutic capabilities to help maintain your health and wellbeing. 

I've put together my little list of therapeutic uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil in the home. There are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well.

I have used Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oil for many years in our household for applying to minor cuts, controlling headlice to naturally cleaning the house.  One of my favourites would be using the eucalyptus or tea tree oil to remove sticky labels off jars or the wall.

Although, just recently we have started using the Lavender oil in the vaporiser too. I have found it helps to calm a jittery body and non-stop thinking mind, in the kids, hubby and I when nervous tension and stress levels are a little high. I add a few drops of Lavender Oil to the water in the vaporiser which helps the kids through restless nights. I also put the vaporiser to good use during flu season, using the tea tree oil to help reduce nasal congestion and eucalyptus oil is known to ease coughs.

I've put together my little list of therapeutic uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil in the home. There are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well.

Vaporiser and bunny are available online.

More therapeutic uses

I’ve put together my little list of therapeutic uses in the home.  However, there are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is a very distinctive Aussie smell and very popular because of its effectiveness and range of uses.

  1. Aches – temporarily relieves mild arthritic and muscular aches and pains.
  2. Blocked nose – add a few drops to a tissue to help clear a blocked nose.
  3. Foot odour – add a few drops to a foot bath and soak your feet.  This helps reduce sweatiness, fight odour and leave your feet feeling fresh and clean.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is known for it’s antiseptic properties and ability to alleviate minor wounds. This is Thursday Plantations most iconic product.

  1. Head lice – helps prevent headlice, add a few drops to your hair detangler.
  2. Bites – soothes insect bites
  3. Cuts – works as an antiseptic on small cuts
  4. Congestion – add to a vaporiser to loosen nasal congestion

I've put together my little list of therapeutic uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil in the home. There are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is the most versatile of all essential oils, most commonly known for its relaxing effect to soothe and calm the body and mind.

  1. Calming – add a few drops to a vaporiser which will fill the room up with the scent to help calm the mind to help you sleep.
  2. Headache – relieve the tension of a headache by rubbing a few drops on the temples and around the back of your neck.

How do you use Natural Oils?

Visit 100 uses for Thursday Plantation website to submit and share your tip/story on the power of pure oils to take care of your family naturally. Plus Discover loads more uses for the pure tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender oil.

I've put together my little list of therapeutic uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil in the home. There are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well.

Keep up to date with Thursday Plantation on Facebook.

This post was coordinated by The Remarkables Group and run in accordance with my disclosure policy.

I've put together my little list of therapeutic uses for Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil in the home. There are endless uses, the list could go on and on, especially when you add in household benefits as well..

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.