{Decluttering} One Shelf

#26 One Shelf

Today I would like you to set aside 20 minutes to clean one shelf in your house, any shelf of your choosing.  Sort through through the contents and consider if you really need to keep each item or where a better home for it maybe.

I want to show you this shelf below, it’s one of the most used shelves in my office and I love everything that’s on it, so practical.

My dad recently paint this shelf for me, from dark pine to white, looks beautiful.

I keep my camera, which is used many times each day, in this most gorgeous fabric basket.  The Owl and The Elephant sent me this little beauty in colours to match my blog, how sweet!  It’s very sturdy allowing me to carry the basket and camera around the house.  Having no top on the basket makes it easily accessable to quickly capture a happy moment, and place back so my camera doesn’t get damaged.  The basket holds it shape effortlessly and the quality of sewing is remarkable.    Josie and Nat, the lovley ladies behind The Owl and The Elephant also have other designs and colours available .  This basket would make a great baby shower or christmas gift, filled with a few goodies. 

Find The Owl and The Elephant – WEBSITE • FACEBOOK.

I use a cream wrought iron toast rack to store our incoming and outgoing mail.  I place the mail received in the front, which hubby checks daily and in the back is mail that needs to be posted. So when I am popping out I know to check here before leaving.  I purchased this rack off ebay a while ago, link here.

And finally these IKEA paper storage boxes sitting perfectly in this shelf.  Storing white and coloured paper for our printer.  I tried to find a link but it appears that IKEA doesn’t sell them anymore 🙁 

Which shelf are you going to declutter?

 More information about the Decluttering 52 things in 52 weeks challenge HERE

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.