Tips for decluttering and downsizing your home

Reader Diane so kindly emailed me and shared her tips on how she has been challenging herself to declutter, to be ready when the time comes to downsize her home. I love her system, it makes the daunting task of decluttering fun!

“I am a 64-year-old woman, long retired, which means I have lots of time on my hands to clean and organise, I do love The Organised Housewife so very much. I love her tips. I have a book I write the daily tasks in each day, and I get them done, but this year I have gone a step further, I have my own book I write in.”

Tips for decluttering and downsizing your home

“I have each room in the house and parts of the basement written on tags.  I keep these tags in a small bowl then:

  • Make cleaning easier: Each month I pick out tags for each day of the month, go to the room and see what I can do extra to clean the room, I call it my 15-30 minute challenge. Plus I also do Kat’s daily task. Makes things a whole lot easier.
  • Make decluttering easier: I also pick the room tag once a week, and I have another little bowl with numbers in from 1-5. When I pick those, that means it is in that room and that number that I have to get rid of things. So for instance if I pick the bedroom, and I pick the number 3. I go to that room and throw out or donate 3 items.

This system makes cleaning and downsizing a whole lot easier for me.

My friends ask what happens when I have gotten rid of all that I have to…..well I am not sure as that has not happened yet. The things to get rid of can be small, so not to feel your getting rid of your whole life. So I said this works for me.

I know a lot of young Mum’s read your tips Kat, but for us older gals, who are thinking of downsizing at some point in the future, I found this a good way. Not too overwhelming. Works great, so thank you for all your wonderful tips, love each and everything.”

Do you set yourself challenges to help you clean and declutter your home?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.