Deep Clean Bathroom Tips for all the forgotten areas

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

This post is sponsored by Dettol

I’ve shared recently how to create a shower cleaning kit, speed clean the bathroom and organise the bathroom cupboards, but there are so many other little areas in the bathroom that get neglected during the weekly bathroom cleaning routine.

Deep Clean Bathroom Tips

Deep Clean Bathroom Tips

Below are a few deep cleaning bathroom tips for all the forgotten areas.

Plastic Shower curtain

It’s the worst when you jump into the shower and see dirt spots on the shower curtain, it can happen if the curtain doesn’t dry properly.

HOW TO CLEAN: Wipe over the curtain bottom of your curtain with a bathroom cleaner to remove any soap scum or dirt build up.  To freshen up the shower curtain pop the curtain in the wash with 2-3 bath towels (this will help prevent the curtain from crinkling too much in the machine) along with your regular detergent.  Then hang up to dry or check the label for washing instructions as you maybe able to put it in the dryer.


Dettol Healthy Clean Bathroom

Dettol Healthy Clean range all help the home stay clean and hygienic.  The Healthy Clean Bathroom Spray is an easy effective everyday bathroom cleaner that can be used on bathroom surfaces such as sink & tiles, bath and counter tops, toilet seats, sealed wooden surfaces, glass surfaces, bins and floors, leaving the bathroom sparkling clean and kills 99.9% germs (E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus). Always read the label. Use only as directed.

Use Dettol Healthy Clean Bathroom on all these tips to cut through dirt and soap scum to help keep your bathroom clean and hygienic with a fresh fragrance.


The sink drain

When brushing your teeth you’ll often see beyond the drain cover in the sink and see that it’s grotty.  In a regular clean, you would usually wipe over the top of the cover but just under the drain cover is usually a big build up of dirt, yuck!

HOW TO CLEAN: Get an old toothbrush and poke it into your sink drain cover, use this to help lift up the cover. Spray inside the drain and the drain cover with your bathroom cleaner, use the old toothbrush to help remove all the dirt. Once clean place cover back on.


Smelly Toilet

Whilst we clean the toilet seat and inside the bowl in a regular weekly bathroom clean, under the seat can often be forgotten, it an be a scary place, especially if you have boys as we know their aim can be terrible.

HOW TO CLEAN: Read how to clean a smelly toilet here. I’ve suggested natural products, but for those that don’t have the desire to make your own products, Dettol Healthy Clean Bathroom Spray can work wonders.

Shower Door Tracks

When cleaning the shower this area can often be neglected, which leads to a heavy build up.

HOW TO CLEAN: As the buildup is quite hard in this area your cleaning solution needs to sit on top to soften the area so you can easily remove the grime.  Spray area as required and allow to sit for 10 minutes.  Use a toothbrush to get into the hard to reach areas, then wipe over with a cloth.



Shower Head

Shower heads are prone to build up of mineral deposits, dust, dirt etc which affects the water pressure and spurts water out in all different directions.  Cleaning the shower head in your regular bathroom cleaning routine will help prevent the build up.

HOW TO CLEAN: Read how to clean a shower head here.

How to clean a shower head

Do you have a clever cleaning tip to share?

This post was coordinated by The Remarkables Group and run in accordance with my disclosure policy

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.