Organise your kids school life: School Years File Box

A School Year Filing Box is a great way to keep and organise all that important school paperwork and special mementos.

I created a School Years File Box for each of my kids many years ago. I keep all their old school book pages, report cards, certificates and school photos in them, which helps with keeping everything tidily organised. This system has worked so well for me over the years.

Now that my kids have all finished school, I can’t help but feel grateful for the time and effort I put into creating each of their school file box. This simple yet effective organisational system has kept all their important documents and memories neatly sorted throughout the years. And when they move out of home, I can proudly present them with a beautifully organised collection of their entire school experience in one convenient box. It’s a gift that holds not just paperwork, but a lifetime of cherished memories and milestones.

Keep those special school keepsakes organised!

I’m such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. I use my storage system to not only save school photos, but I have ripped pages out of the kids exercise books at the end of the year to keep any particular stories or drawings in the books that I’ve liked.  This saves room as I don’t have to keep the whole book.

I'm such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. Here is the system I use to keep those special school keepsakes organised!

In recent years I have included a ‘first day of school questionnaire’  which I’m kicking myself I didn’t have when the kids were young as it would have been really nice to watch their handwriting change on these pages over the years and also keep track of some of their favourite things.  It’s so nice going through some of the old papers, reading their stories and spelling tests. I keep the kid’s school photos in this box as well.  Perhaps you can keep them in an album, but for now, this is how I store them.  Isn’t my youngest a cutie!!

I'm such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. Here is the system I use to keep those special school keepsakes organised!

I have added suspension files to the box to sort the memorabilia year by year. Plus there is some room at the back of the filing box to store a few bulky items.

I'm such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. Here is the system I use to keep those special school keepsakes organised!

I added a labelled tab to each file, which makes it super organised and easy to file everything away. I just created the labels with my label maker, or you could handwrite the labels on tabs that come with most suspension files. I have labelled the tabs:

  • Prep – Year 12
  • Certificates
  • Reports
  • Photos
  • Sports
  • Other

How do you store your children’s keepsakes and important documents from school? Have you got your own filing system that works, or do you stash things into boxes and worry about them down the track?

First Day of School Printable

I have some cute little First Day of School Printable Questionnaires available for download too. There is one for every year that your child is at school, ranging from prep, all the way to year 12 (plus one for the last day of year 12). I created them because we always write down milestones for the kids as babies. Why not also note down their favourite things to do and eat, their height, what they want to be when they grow up etc, it’s fun to see the difference each year.

I'm such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. Here is the system I use to keep those special school keepsakes organised!

I think it’s such a lovely way to keep memories of your children, whilst as parents, it’s fun for us to look back on certain memories of the kids. Enjoy comparing what their favourite food was in prep class, compared to on the first day of their high school years too.  File this page tidily away in the corresponding file.

I'm such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. Here is the system I use to keep those special school keepsakes organised!

It really doesn’t matter when you start using these printables, as long as your child is still at school, (I missed the first few years). It’s never too late to collect little memories like these keepsake lists. The lists will have the year level your child is in, and what the date is currently. Preppie mummies will especially love these since they can collect them all over the years. Just get your child to fill one out at the beginning of each year, and file it into your filing system you’ve created.

I'm such a sentimental mum and have kept so many school trinkets over the years. Here is the system I use to keep those special school keepsakes organised!

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.