Back to school: Organising hair ties

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

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I apologise to all my readers that only have boys, however today’s post is how I organise all those hundreds of hair ties my girls have.  Yes we have alot which you will see in the photo’s below, but hair ties are one of those things that always are left at school, friends houses, fall out in the pool or vacuumed up, so this supply will diminish quite fast.  Most of the hair ties (all the pretty coloured ones) were given as gifts.  I can’t remember the last time I brought a pink hair tie.  The only colour i buy are the ones which match their school uniform.

As you all know I have replaced my pantry containers with Tupperware, but before this I was using Decor containers.  I re-purposed (love that word) these containers to sort the hair ties by colour.

And used these containers to organise headbands, brushes and combs

 Our bathroom cabinets are quite small they wouldn’t fit all these hair ties in their tiny drawers.  As I am still doing the girls hair for them I find it convenient to store the hair ties in these drawers in this nook below.  Hidden behind my stereo I have a spray bottle with home made detangler (see below) which I use to dampen their hair and next to the cabinet I have hiding a step stool which the girls sit on while I do their hair.

I know because I am going to write about it I am jinxing myself, however, touch wood, my little pretties have not come home with nits. My tips to hopefully prevent these little creepy crawlies:

  • Always wear hair up (I’ve included some hairstyle photo’s below)
  • We wash hair on a Sunday and Friday nights and always just after a swim in the pool.  Nits love ultra clean hair.
  • I use detangler everyday in their hair.

Homemade Hair Detangler

  1. Use a spray bottle, one with a fine mist is great (reuse one of the detangler bottles you may have).
  2. Add 1 part of your favourite conditioner to 9 parts water.
  3. Shake bottle to mix together.
  4. I have seen other recipes using 1/2 conditioner 1/2 water, you’ll get the feel of how much you would prefer.  Especially if you or your child has curly hair you may prefer more conditioner.
  5. Remember to shake bottle before each use.

Ok, i’m not too up on what you call these hair styles but I call this one the inside out braid pigtail style

 I didn’t use the detangler spray this day, you can see all the stray hairs.  The detangler would usually keep them all at bay.  Love this one, it’s a little bit different to a normal plait, I call it the knot plait.

See video tutorial for the hair style above HERE

Hope this has given you some ideas on how to store all those hairties and keep those horrible little nits away.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.