A day in the life of The Organised Housewife’s day off

a day in the life of The Organised Housewifes day off

A few weeks ago I came home from the last filming of the Win the Organised Housewife for a day Competition.  I was exhausted so I decided to take the day off work (blogging) which is really rare on a school day, I’m home alone!!  In all my wisdom I also decided to share what my ‘work day off’ looks like.  I shared a day in the life of The Organised Housewife’s day off via Instagram.  I didn’t have anything exciting planned but just wanted to give you a glimpse inside my little world.

IMG_0586Nothing exciting for breakfast as I plan on heading to the gym after school drop off, one weetbix


Putting away last nights dishes


Lunchboxes made with some Vegemite and Cheese Scrolls and pumpkin scones I had in the freezer for a day like today, haven’t been shopping


Doing the girls hair, ready for school


Second hairstyle done, simple plait


Dressed in my gym gear, no makeup and hair is awful, but I don’t dress up for the gym, I’m ok with this look


Now the mundane jobs, make bed


Getting the most out of my husbands old thongs. This mismatched pair are my laundry thongs so I don’t go outside bare foot


Washing hung out


Another load on ready to hang out when I get back from the gym


School drop off time


Thinking about my early morning bootcamp sessions next week and thought I’d quickly pick up some long workout pants to keep warm


Made it to the gym


2.5 km is that all, I’m pooped that’s it for me today, it’s my day off after all!


Quick stop for some groceries I’ll make something yummy for the kids for afternoon tea


Stopped to have a special mothers day moment with my mum. Miss her so much, I find Mother’s Day really hard to celebrate as she was taken from me and my brothers too soon


Second load of washing out, now to freshen up and shower


Finally coffee time, I’ve been waiting all morning for this… it’s currently 11am.


Baking a coconut yoghurt cake for the kiddies afternoon tea. No kids home I can lick the spoon, it’s good!!


Lunch time, avocado, cheese, tomato and ham with cracked pepper on cruskits


Ooh dear, this isn’t good…on the couch catching up on Revenge while I eat lunch, this is very comfy and relaxing. I have a few episodes to catch up on


I don’t do sitting still very well, I noticed by candles need a clean


Wax drips


Wax splatter all over the cabinet. My trick is to use the hair dryer on low speed high heat to melt the wax, then simply wipe away


All clean, now for another episode of Revenge


Snack time – Absolutely love this Gippsland yoghurt, it’s so yummy…not sure it’s too healthy, but I’m sure it’s better than a chocolate


Cake is cooling


Washing off line – I’ll fold it while I continue to watch Revenge. I can’t stop it’s drawn me in, love being behind in shows and spend a few hours catching up, it’s so rare to have this time though


Washing folded – I’ll put mine away and leave the rest for the kids to put away when they get home


Coconut yoghurt cake with coconut ice icing, ready for kiddies coming home. Mr Organised picking them up from school. I might just finish off that revenge episode


Making a banana smoothie


This was yum, totally bloggable said the kiddies!!


Perfect way to end the day, dinner and chick flick with my bestest friend.


My best friend Sarah, we’ve been friends since we were 9


Totally love Mexican, I can only eat 2 of the 4 of these quesadillas


At the movies, about to watch The Other Woman. Got a coffee only because I forgot to have one this afternoon, and we plan on going out afterwards so I need some caffeine to stay awake


OMG funniest movie… The Other Woman. Loved it


Max Brenners… ooh yes I did, no way will I eat all this


Couldn’t eat it all, I’m done


I’m home sweet home, it’s been a wonderful day, relaxing afternoon and a girls night out! It was fun sharing my day with you, hope you enjoyed following along xx


What do you do on your day off??

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.