10 signs clutter is taking over your life

Do you feel like you’re living in a chaotic mess?  The #1 way to get organised is to clear through your clutter and the best way to do this is work out what may cause the clutter.  Check for the signs to help you work out if clutter is taking over your life, so you can take steps to make a change.

Clutter is something that can slowly start piling up and before you know it has grown beyond your desires and not neatly put away. This can have an impact on how you feel within your home and about your home.  Reclaim those spaces that you have been missing for so long. Check the following list for these 10 signs that clutter is taking over your life and make a change in you home.

1. You’re always late getting out of the house in the morning

Regardless of whether you do or don’t have kids, work or not, if you can’t get out of the house on time, it’s a sign that you need to create a system to help you get organised. Little things like having a simple routine to follow will help you so much. Know what appointments and events you have on ahead of time will help you with time management.

  READ MORE: Stress Free School Morning Routine

2. When guests visit, you frantically run around cleaning like a maniac

Do you quickly give the house a clean when you know you have friends drop in on you and you get a half hour warning that they’re on their way? Create some basic housework routines eg. laundry on Monday, ironing Tuesday, meal plan for each night etc. Try my Cleaning Checklist to help you stay on top of the housework.

  AVAILABLE HERE HERE: Magnetic Cleaning Checklist


3. Your dining table is used as a storage area

Perhaps your dining table is being used as a drop zone, with items left for days, weeks or months. I used to do it years ago when I first got married, but after a while, the clutter and mess really got to me. So, instead, I found inspiration in pretty things like ornaments or flowers, as a centrepiece for my dining table, and it inspired me to declutter my dining table and keep it beautiful and tidy. Read more about it in the link below.

  READ MORE HERE: Decluttering Your Drop Zone Areas

A very long time ago I used to have a dumping zone too.

4. You are behind on paying bills and lodging tax returns

You struggle to keep up with your monthly bills and get hit with late fees. Create a budget plan that can help you through your processes and remember recurring bill payments. Consider your rates and water bills are two bills where this can happen often.

Your hoping your finances get better on their own and you won’t have to pay back tax each financial year? Being behind on your taxes could cause you to have a big blow to your budget, because if you work on an ABN and have to pay your own tax for your business, it could hit you very hard at tax time. Find some time to sort through your finances and make a plan.

  READ MORE HERE: 5 Tips to Organise Your Finances

5. Your always searching for things

You find yourself constantly rummaging through drawers and piles of stuff to find what you need, then it’s a clear sign that clutter has taken over your space. Try implementing an organisation system to keep everything in its place.

6. Dinner is always late because you can’t get organised

Do you struggle to find inspiration when it comes to cooking every night? Perhaps you try really hard and go well for a few days, and then run out of steam and choose to get take away instead. I’m a huge advocate of meal planning, saving running back and forward to the grocery store, saves time, money and helps to reduce food waste.

  PURCHASE HERE: Weekly Meal Planner

7. There are always unwashed dishes and washing to be done

Doing dishes and laundry would have to be the most frustrating chores around the home because they are two constant things that you must do on a day to day basis to keep up and for this reason of such a monotonous task you may leave it for another day and the pile grows. I created a routine that helps me get through this ground-hog day kinda task.

A dishwasher needs to be looked after and maintained well for it to function properly and provide you with the best dish cleaning service. Here's how I clean our dishwasher and keep it like new.

8. You have too many clothes

If your wardrobe is overflowing, it may be time to pare down your wardrobe and donate items you no longer wear. Keep only what you need and love, and organize your closet so that it’s easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.

  READ MORE HERE: How to organise and declutter your wardrobe.

9. You never put yourself first

If you are guilty of never putting yourself first and are always running around for everyone else, now is the time to change this, because it’s never too late to find your self-worth and realise that you are just as important as the people around you. I know I used to always have trouble saying no to people and feeling obliged half the time just to help everyone, but these days I have to be strong and say no and look after me too. I created a vision board with quotes and affirmations that help me to stay strong. If you’ve seen my office on my Instagram stories, you know that my wall in my office is covered with them.

10. You feel like you are in a never-ending battle

Do you feel overwhelmed by your life and struggle to make a change. If you feel like you are within a never ending battle and find your emotions may be spiralling, you may need to simply reorganise yourself, and establish the best routine to help you take back the control that you’ve been slowly losing.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.