Contrary to popular belief, meal planning is a simple task that can save you a ton of effort throughout the week. Spending just 15-20 minutes to plan your meals and create a grocery list is far more efficient than coming up with new meal ideas every night and making multiple trips to the store for ingredients. If you haven’t tried weekly meal planning yet, give it a shot and see how much easier it makes your life!
Baked sweet and sour chicken – generously coated in a sticky sauce with the perfect sweet-sour balance.
Mac and Cheese Style Gnocchi – This super kid-friendly dish can be whipped up quickly on busy nights and served with salad.
Chicken Kiev and Vegetables – Make your life easy tonight. Buy some ready made chicken kievs at the deli and serve with your favourite vegetables.
Honey Mustard Salmon – This salmon recipe is quick to prepare and can be served with steamed vegetables or a readymade bag of salad.
Egg-in-a-hole Beef Burger – Friday night is the perfect night for burgers. Make your own at home with this yummy recipe.
Savoury Mince on Toast – This savoury mince recipe is quick to make, comes packed full of veggies, and my kids absolutely love it!
Ricotta and Spinach Agnolotti – Enjoy a relaxed Sunday evening with a meal that’s really fast to put on the table and tastes great.
Coconut Raspberry Loaf – I have been making this recipe for years, it’s easily mixed up by hand and is great for an afternoon snack or to pop slices into kids lunchboxes.