{Meal Planning} Chicken Tacos

About the Aussie Bloggers Conference

I have had a great week and have recovered well from the Aussie Bloggers Conference.  I met so many wonderful bloggers, it was so lovely to share experiences and learn.  One topic was who do you blog for and the speakers encouraging the audience to blog for yourself.  However I find my blog a little different to others…I am blogging for you, my readers, the topics you want most discussed, the areas you need the most help in.  I have received quite a few requests, I do have a list of topics that have been requested…please be paitent I will get there.

I was also hoping to get some guidance from other bloggers on how to stay up-to-date with comments on the blog.  I really want to respond to each comment and email, but over the january school holiday’s I found the number of unread emails and comments just kept increasing.  The kids have been back at school for 9 weeks and I have found I am no where close to responding to all the comments.  I am honestly terribly sorry as I don’t have the time to get to them.  I am going to make a fresh start and ensure I repond to all new comments.  If you did send an email or comment through that I didn’t respond to, please feel free to resend it and I WILL WRITE BACK!!!

The conference has given me motivation, encouragement and the desire to make this blog a go-to place for all my readers who need help and drive to get their house clean and organised 🙂

Here is this weeks meal plan:

Monday –  Garlic and Herb Lamb (slowcooker) ❗

Tuesday – Rissoles with vegetables

Wednesday – Eggs on toast

Thursday – Homemade Pizza’s ❗ ❗ ❗

FridayChicken Tacos ❗ ❗ ❗

Saturday – Spaghetti bol

Sunday – Quiche with vegetables

Baking – Blueberry Muffins, Banana and Date Cookies


❗ Didn’t enjoy
❗ ❗ Worth a try
❗ ❗ ❗ Loved it

What’s on your meal plan this week?  Please add your link below I love seeing new recipes! 

Add your link

Please follow these rules to link below:

  1. Link directly to your blog post not your website, post must be about your weekly meal plan
  2. Please paste my button (below) on your post so that others can join along and link up to
  3. Remember to come back next week to link up

 Link up – Grab my button

The Organised Housewife


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.