Meal Plan – Rissoles, potato and veg

Wow I had such a big weekend, non stop.  Saturday saw me looking after a friends 3 kids, plus the neighbours kids were dropping by, it was a very busy afternoon with 6 plus kids, I was tired by the end but really enjoyed it.  Then later that evening I had dinner and drinks with some wonderful Brisbane/Gold Coast bloggers, it was so lovely to meet you all ladies…Naomi, Stacey, Melissa, Dannielle, Danni, Zoe, Bec, Tara, Tabitha and the one and only man there I am so sorry I can’t remember your name 🙁

Then, despite the extremely late 2am crawl into bed I was up early and saw that one of my sponsors Ravissant Paper Art had a stall at the Mummy Tree Markets, so thought I would drive down and meet her, was so lovley to meet you Leesa and see your gorgeous creations IRL. Much to my delight I had alot of fun shopping around.  I haven’t had time to take photo’s of my finds, but I will show you soon 🙂  The abundance of quality items blew me away, these mummies have all created so many gorgeous quality items.  If you do get the chance I recommend you pop into the next markets they have.

I hope you all enjoy the week ahead, the newsletter was sent out on the weekend, I hope you all enjoyed it 🙂

Here is this weeks meal plan:

Monday – Slow cooked pumpkin curry

Tuesday – Rissoles, potato and vegetables (inspired by Mum-ments)

Wednesday – Leftovers from freezer

Thursday – Oven fried chicken with vegetables

Friday – Pizza

Saturday – Night out on the town with my blogging friends!

Sunday – Cheese on toast, we had a huge lunch

Baking – Pumpkin Scones


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.