{Meal Plan} Nachos Salad

Thank you to Belle Amie Mother of Three for sharing her families meal plan


Meal planning tips:  How to meal planbenefits of meal planningmore meal plans & meal planning printables.

The difference between eating healthy or eating unhealthy can come down to the difference in being prepared or being unprepared. If you are unprepared for the week, you can be sure you will make bad choices in search for the easy option, “ok let’s just get pizza”, sound familiar? By taking the 8 minutes to sit down and write up a quick meal plan for the week ahead you will be able to each morning take out what you need and each evening you have it at your fingertips ready to go. A meal plan will be the difference between eating healthy or turning to fast food because it feels easier at the time.

As a busy Mother of three, trying to live up to the title of SuperMum like we all are, I need easy, kid friendly, quick meal ideas and I love sharing what works for me. As a Personal TrainerI obviously need to walk the walk not just talk the talk so what I put in my mouth matters to me. Sharing today a typical meal plan of fast, easy, tasty and very kid friendly ideas. A great tip is to recognise your weekly Fright Night. That’s the night the kids have sport, or you work late etc and you quite often grab something fast, greasy and nasty. By identifying Fright Night you can be better prepared for it, for example ours is Monday night, we both get home late Monday’s so to combat the Pizza run I put dinner in the Slow Cooker so it’s good to go when we walk in the door.

nachos salad

By keeping it really simple you have a better chance of everyone eating it. My salads are always the same as I don’t often have time to cook veggies. All pastas and rices are the wholemeal Variety just better for you. Add extras like lentils where you can smuggle them in they are quite tasteless. Meal planning will keep you on track for a healthy balanced week I really recommend you give it a try.

MONDAY – {AKA Fight Night} Spaghetti Bolognaise With Wholemeal Pasta in the Slow Cooker

Pop lean mince, pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, canned lentils in the slow cooker come home dinners cooked. Why lentils? They add an extra protein punch, they are brown and look like mince so the kids will not even know.

TUESDAY – Garlic & Herb Chicken Fingers

Chicken cut into strips, grill with some garlic and herbs instead of frying. Serve with a salad of spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumber and Greek yoghurt instead of a salad dressing.

WEDNESDAY – Grilled Fish, Broccoli and Salad

Try to have fish one night a week. We need to consume Omega fatty acids as our bodies cannot make them. So this is a must for little growing brains. Even fish fingers are better than no fish at all.

THURSDAY – Protein Packed Pumpkin Soup

Chop pumpkin, add lentils, cook and puree, again the lentils are adding hidden protein for growing bodies. Serve with wholemeal toast.

FRIDAY –  Chicken Sticks With Brown Rice & Salad

Chop chicken, pop on kebab sticks (this just makes it more interesting for the kids to eat). 90 second brown rice pack and simple salad of spinach leaves, tomato, cucumber and Greek yoghurt.

SATURDAY – Nachos Salad

Lean mince with a can of baked beans, chopped tomato, avocado, cheese, lettuce with Greek yoghurt. This will fill your Saturday night urge for junk food.

SUNDAYSteak & Salad

Send the males in the family out to the BBQ and they can go all primal and cook up some steak. Serve with a simple salad and Greek yoghurt.

BAKING – Peanut Butter Protein Brownies

peanut butter protien brownies

What is on your meal plan this week?



Renee is busy a mother of three who loves sharing the journey of her evolution from full time Soldier to a stay at home Mum. She blogs at www.belleamiemotherofthree.com about organisation, meals, family stuff, kid stuff, parenting, health and fitness just anything to do with channelling your inner Super Mum!  You can also find Belle Amie Mother of Three on Facebook HERE

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.