Afternoon Tea: Five for Five

This is a guest post by Briohny, from Plan Eat Play

I don’t know about you, but my kids stand in front of the cupboard expecting afternoon tea to jump right off the shelf, hit them in the face and say ‘here I am, already cooked for you!’

Since this doesn’t happen, ever, they grab whatever pre-packaged food they can hunt down leaving them with that full-but-still-hungry feeling.

To counteract this I have a list of suggested afternoon teas they can make that are a little more substantial and healthy.  This list is on the inside of the cupboard door.  My son tells me it’s ‘mum’s conscience’.

Here’s a quick list of 5 for 5.  That is, five snacks that can each be prepared in five minutes. Enjoy.

Smoothies (serves 1)

You will need: 3/4 cup milk, 2 desert spoons yoghurt, squeeze honey, fruit of your choice

So you can: blend well together

Jack Johnson’s  (Banana Pancakes)

You will need: 1 shake and pour pancake mix, 1 mashed banana

So you can: pour pancake mix into an oiled and heated pan, spoon small bits of banana on top, pour a little more pancake mix over the top to seal the banana in, flip once the pancakes are no longer glossy and the bubbles begin to pop.  Serve with yoghurt and fresh or tinned fruit

Noodle Fritters

You will need: 1 packet 2 minute noodles (any flavour), 3 eggs

So you can: cook the noodles without flavouring, drain well in, rinse in cold water, combine noodles with 3 beaten eggs. Using a fork, scoop the noodle mix into an oiled and heated pan, using the fork to keep it in a circular shape.  Flip once the egg starts to set.

Nachoz (in our house it’s said with a ‘z’)

You will need: a handful of corn chips, grated cheese, sweet chili sauce or salsa, sour cream, avocado and any other toppings you like such as diced tomato, shallots, olives

So you can: place the corn chips into a microwave save bowl, sprinkle with grated cheese and microwave on high in 30 sec bursts until the cheese is melted. Remove from microwave and spoon sour cream, sweet chilli sauce / salsa and avocado on top.  Add any extras.

Grilled Potatoes

You will need: 1 medium size potato, sour cream, chopped ham, grated cheese

So you can: use a knife to place a cross on the top of the potato, cook the potato in the microwave (if your microwave doesn’t have a potato setting, 2-3 minutes on high should do it), turn the grill on while the potato is cooking, squeeze the sides of the potato so it opens (it will be hot), top with ham and cheese, place under grill until cheese melts, add grated cheese and any other additional toppings.

About Plan Eat Play: A place where I can help you organise one very simple but very time consuming part of your day – meal planning. The resources and assistance you can access from ‘Plan Eat Play’ will make things easier when it comes to ways to sneak a few more minutes into your day.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.