Every so often, I will have one of those busy days where I have 101 things to do but not enough time to do it (or so it feels at the time). Whether it be for cleaning, running errands, working or cooking, I like to have routines and ways that help keep me productive and increase my efficiency.  Here are my 14 tips to help you have a productive day. I hope they work for you as well as they do for me!

1. Make your bed

This simple 2 minute habit can put you in a positive mindset for the rest of the day. I feel like once I make my bed, I am already productive, which makes a lovely start to the day. It’s such an easy task but it really does set the tone for the day ahead.

READ MORE: The benefits of making your bed.

I like to have routines and ways that help keep me productive and increase my efficiency. Here are my 14 tips to help you have a productive day. I hope they work for you as well as they do for me!

2. Eat a good breakfast

I’m sure you’ve heard about this one time and time again, but it’s so important. Eating a decent breakfast fuels you and provides you with energy to kickstart your day. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, weet-bix or toast are good options.

3. Make a To-Do List

Composing a to-do list for your day is an easy way to be productive. There is something so satisfying about crossing things off a list and once you get on a roll, it gets addictive! If you think writing on paper is too old school for you, use Notes on your iPhone or Mac. It has a feature where you can add lists with check bubbles so you can check them off as you complete tasks. I have a range of checklists that may be of use to you in my shop, you can find them here.

I like to have routines and ways that help keep me productive and increase my efficiency. Here are my 14 tips to help you have a productive day. I hope they work for you as well as they do for me!

4. Prioritise

A priority is a task that we believe is more important that something else. It’s important to be aware of our priorities in the day so that we aren’t counterproductive and work on things that aren’t as valuable. When I construct my to-do list, I usually put my most important tasks first and work my way down. That way, I feel more at ease when I complete the more urgent tasks.

5. Limit distractions

Distractions are a procrastinator’s best friend. As I work from home, it’s so important for me to try and limit a number of temptations that are around me. I never have the TV on when I work as I could get lost in a TV series for a whole day. If you don’t need your phone, turn on the ‘Do not disturb’ function so that you don’t get sidetracked.

6. Clean workspace/environment

Make sure the environment you are in will not inhibit your productivity. I find that if my workspace is cluttered or dirty, my mind can’t focus properly and I’m not as efficient.

 7. Learn to Say no (sometimes)

It might sound harsh, but sometimes you need to say no. If you’re a bit of a people pleaser, learning to say no to friends or others can be tough. When I know I have a busy day or deadlines and I need to get tasks done, I have to sacrifice coffee with friends and even running kids around to ensure I get through my list. You’re in control of your own productivity!

8. Allocate break times

Applying time slots into your day to have a break, eat some food or go outside is so important and a good way to keep your productivity levels high. Knowing you have a break coming up keeps you motivated till then, rather than working

9. Eating Appropriate foods

It’s simple: If you eat foods that make you feel sluggish and tired, you aren’t going to have a productive day. I like to eat fresh foods and healthy foods to make me feel good and work effectively. I did a post recently about energy-boosting snacks.

READ MORE: 12 Snack foods to boost energy, for some snacks to eat during a productivity day.

I like to have routines and ways that help keep me productive and increase my efficiency. Here are my 14 tips to help you have a productive day. I hope they work for you as well as they do for me!

10. Feeling comfortable

The way I feel about myself in the role I’m taking for the day affects my productivity. If I have a busy day at home working online or cleaning, I like to dress in my workout gear. In contrast, if I’m running errands and attending meetings, I like to put a little more effort into my appearance. I’m not saying that you need make up or fancy clothes to get things done, but I personally feel more productive and confident when I feel really good within myself (even if it’s just a spritz of perfume!)

11. Listening to Music or No music?

It depends on the conditions you work best in. I find that if I have an important post to write or an urgent deadline to meet, I work better in silence. If I’m cleaning, I like to blast music throughout the house as it helps me get through it!

12. Get a good night’s sleep

Getting a sufficient amount of sleep will increase your energy and heighten your mood. When you’re sleep deprived, it’s hard to concentrate and work effectively. Try to catch 7-9 hours worth of zzz’s each night and notice how much better you are able to focus and function!

13. Limit multi-tasking

Some people are great at this and find that multi-tasking can help them have variety in their day. I, on the other hand, find it a lot easier if I focus on one thing at a time rather than bouncing in between a few. This ensures I actually end up completing tasks instead of partially completing a few.

14. Have things around you that inspire you

Surrounding yourself with inspiration and things that motivate you is important. Right next to my desk, I have a wall full of positive affirmations and inspirational quotes that I can look at and admire. I have also recently been getting into essential oils. I find using 2-3 drops of doTERRA’s lemon and peppermint oil in my diffuser is incredibly stimulating and it’s a scent that helps kick me into action.

I like to have routines and ways that help keep me productive and increase my efficiency. Here are my 14 tips to help you have a productive day. I hope they work for you as well as they do for me!


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.