Our Trampoline Garden

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Over the past few weeks I have been spending some time out in the garden, it has been very neglected and while it was a little cooler I wanted to give it some TLC. Each Thursday over the coming weeks I will share with you the different projects I have completed in my backyard.


From sandpit to a beautiful garden
Our trampoline garden
Our new Vegetables Garden
Growing seedlings & How to store and organise seeds
Organising kids pool toys
Creating a potting bench and organising my gardening tools

A few years ago we had a rectangular trampoline for the kids, it fit in the backyard perfectly but was so annoying when it came time to mow the lawn, hubby (yes hubby mows, I have sworn I will never touch the lawn mower or BBQ LOL) used to have to move it quite a few times to be able to mow the lawn underneath, and it also killed the lawn in some areas, we had to regularly relocate it to different areas of the backyard just to look after the grass, it was rather annoying.  That trampoline broke, the kids were devastated and put in a request for a round trampoline ‘if’ they could have another one. I truly wanted them to have a trampoline they have so much fun jumping around, wrestling and doing gymnastics but I didn’t want it to ruin the backyard.

I saw a segment many many years ago on Better Homes and Gardens where they created a garden bed under the trampoline and I thought this would be absolutely perfect idea for shading for my Bromeliads.

Before, it’s a nice size area.  This is also the red frangipani tree that my mum gave me when we first moved into the house, I have taken cuttings from it and transplanted it to a different bed.

Trampoline looks out of place and as you can see would be hard to mow underneath

Against the fence used to be my veggie patch, but grass was just continuously coming through the fence from the neighbours, I gave up and soon it became a grass bed.  We marked out the shape of the garden bed with some spray paint.

My brother helped me with the muscle work, digging out the grass, cutting in the edging and filling the garden bed with good quality Searles Garden Soil Mix*.

The kids helped me by getting under the trampoline and planting some plants

As I planted the Bromeliads I used  Searles Cymbidium & Bromeliad Specialty Mix* around the plant, there was no need to use this speciality mix through the whole garden, just around the Broms.   I have planted most Broms directly into the ground, I have dug some pots into the ground, as these are pups which I have heard grow better in pots.  I have used bamboo sticks to help them stay upright.  Some of my Broms are very dry and had too much sun prior to planting, I hope with a bit of TLC they will come back.  Once I was finished planting all the plants we mulched using Searles Pine Bark Mulch*.

You can see we used the plastic garden barrier along the back fence to stop the neighbours weeds from coming through.  Miss 8 picked this smurf from Bunnings recently, I thought it was a sweet addition to the new garden.

After, I absolutely LOVE how this garden looks, it is exactly what I wanted, we don’t need to move the trampoline when mowing the lawn, it creates a great shaded area for my precious plants and it’s visually appealing.  Here you  can get a glimpse of our new veggie patch to the right which I will share with soon in this series.

HELP – To the left you can see I have put all my baby broms potted up under the trampoline, I have been trying to find somewhere that sells pot stands, to then put under the eaves of the house, but I can’t find anywhere, would be grateful if anybody can suggest somewhere.

Searles Cymbidium & Bromeliad Specialty Mix*

Searles Garden Soil Mix*

Searles Pine Bark Mulch*

Find Searles Products here

Garden Edging – Bunnings

Smurf – Bunnings

* I received products for editorial consideration, run in accordance with my disclosure policy.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.