Growing seedlings & How to store and organise seeds

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Over the past few weeks I have been spending some time out in the garden, it has been very neglected and while it was a little cooler I wanted to give it some TLC. Each Thursday over the coming weeks I will share with you the different projects I have completed in my backyard.


When my dad moved into his new house earlier this year I was so excited to see the previous owner had garden bed of healthy strawberries.  We love strawberries and I thought this will be fun for the kids to pick them out for him when they visit.  Sadly Dad pulled up the strawberries as the garden bed was too close to the houses weep holes. I’d love to have a big patch of our vegetable garden filled with strawberries, but when visiting the nursery recently I realised it will be very costly.  So instead I we are happily growing strawberries and herbs from seed.

What you will need:  Searles Seed Raising Specialty Mix, seedlings, container and toilet rolls

{The Organised Housewife} Growing Seedlings

Fill toilet rolls with Seed Raising Mix

{The Organised Housewife} Growing Seedlings 1

Place seedling into each toilet roll, sprinkle with a little more Seed Raising Mix and water weekly with Seamax Fish and Kelp to ensure strong and healthy growth.  Don’t forget to label your seedlings so you know what is growing in each one.

{The Organised Housewife} Growing Seedlings 2

{The Organised Housewife} Growing Seedlings 3

It’s been a few weeks now and only a few have sprouted, I’m waiting ever so patiently (LOL, I don’t do patiently well) for some strawberries to show.  When the seedlings are a reasonable size I will plant them into the garden!

{The Organised Housewife} Growing Seedlings 4

Storing and Organising Seeds

I only used a few seeds from each packet, I’ll keep the rest in safe keeping to plant in the coming months.

{The Organised Housewife} Organising Seedlings 1

To keep the packets from opening and the foil seed packets from falling out (and then never knowing what the seeds actually are) I find the best way to keep the packets secure is storing them in a photo album.

{The Organised Housewife} Organising Seedlings 3

{The Organised Housewife} Storing and Organising Seeds

What do you grow from seeds in your veggie patch?


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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.