Exciting changes ahead

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

I am giddy with excitement to share with you some fabulous new changes on the blog, but mostly one very big change for The Springer Family!!

Changes on the Blog

Firstly I will share with you some great improvements I have made to the blog: 

  • I have created a home page for the blog, desktop and on mobile. I had to do this to make the mobile version more user-friendly. I love the home page, making it easier for you to navigate.  But as you are the reader, I would love to hear your feedback, do you like it, does it make reading the blog easier, or is it a hassle that you can’t read the blog posts directly when you open the blog? 
  • I have tidied up the recipe pages, again trying to make it more user friendly, easier to find the recipe you are after.  But don’t forget you can always type the name into the search box in the sidebar.
  • And finally I now accept credit card payment in my shop.  Now with 2 payment options paypal and credit card. 
  • Don’t forget to visit the Christmas page where I have made it really easy to find all things Christmas on The Organised Housewife

Changes for The Springer Family

No there is no new addition to the family if that’s what you were thinking (my days for that are over), we are moving house in 2 weeks! We started looking to move 18 months ago. I was procrastinating (as I do very well) about renovating our kitchen, but then decided that we wanted a house closer to the kids school so I put the kitchen reno on hold. We looked and looked and then learnt that I am very picky and particular.  As my hubby and I both work from home we wanted a room large enough for us to work in, this proved to be very hard as many in home offices are only large enough for one desk.  For the past 18 months, every weekend we would go to open homes, but the last September school holidays I told my hubby I’m over looking, the wasteful weekends and just the unknown was becoming very draining. But we were looking forward to a change so we broadened our search to areas just outside of the school zone to see what was available. Scott found a house and wanted to take a look.  I nearly didn’t go, I was over it, but I reluctantly went.  Well, wouldn’t you know it, this house was perfect, a space for everything we needed, I am so pleased, we purchased the house!!!!  

But then that meant we needed to act quickly and sell the house we are currently living in. So the day we signed the contract on the new house, I purchased some boxes and started packing up this house to get it ready for sale. I will share all the details of that later, possibly in February, as I am sharing Christmas posts throughout December and as always I will give you my Back to School tips in January. 

I am so glad that I have finally been able to tell you we are moving. This all happened a few weeks ago and very quickly. However, for our privacy (the kids mainly) I didn’t say anything until we received a contract of sale on the house we are living in. Although our real estate agent said he would have loved readers viewing the house on inspection day, he had a vision of a line up of people wanting to look inside the pantry and linen cupboards LOL.


So for the past few weeks I have been at the new house with contractors, the carpets needed replacing, a bit of electrical work needed doing and I wanted to give the house a fresh coat of paint. I found a crisp white, which again, is another story I will share, I tell you it feels like there are 50 shades of white which makes it so confusing.

I’ll be switching off my computer end of next week, packing it up for the move, give me a week and then I’ll be back online, but I will check in on the iPad to say hello. However I will still have the Christmas blog posts publishing every day, I have been working really hard lately and have scheduled them all in for you.

Follow me on Instagram as I will start to share photos of our moving adventures.

Please give some feedback on the blog and mobile home page

Please don’t forget to give me some feedback on the home page, let me know if you viewing it on mobile or desktop, your feedback is so very valuable and I love always getting to say hello to you in the comments 🙂 

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.