The story begins of moving house

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

As you know we have recently moved house.  I kept quiet about it in the beginning as our house was open for inspection to the public. For our families privacy I didn’t say anything, although a few readers did recognise the house on, clever chooks! It was so hard to keep quiet, I wanted to instagram elements of the process, share with you my excitement, but couldn’t, hopefully you can understand.

As I didn’t want to publicly announce it at the time I haven’t blogged about our process of moving. Which I am very excited to now start sharing with you being that the crazy Christmas and back to school period is over.

Why we decided to move house

The twins started high school last year, we moved them to a not so local school. We initially started looking at house’s close to the new school, this was April 2014. From then we went to open homes every weekend.  We got to know the real estate agents very well, some followed up and helped us find homes, others didn’t.

We also wanted to move house because we had lived in our old home for 12 years, despite us thinking it was going to be our ‘forever home’ hubby and I were ready for a change. Well, it was either move or renovate the house, I really wanted to give the kitchen a makeover, I was tired of the dark benchtops and cabinets.

  Related Reads: 50 packing tips for moving house.


After going to many open homes we quickly learned I was really picky, I was looking for a home with:

  • main + a bedroom each for the kids
  • at least 2 living areas
  • a room to make into a home office
  • open plan, light and bright kitchen
  • pool
  • a large driveway, taking into consideration the twins may have cars in a few years

This proved to be really hard, mainly finding a house with the right kitchen and enough space for a home office.  We came close once but the kitchen wasn’t open plan and I absolutely love that my kids sit at the kitchen bench while I cook dinner, we chat and interact. I didn’t want to live without that, so we kept looking…. for 18 months.

Because we couldn’t find anything close to the school and we had our heart set on moving we broadened our search to surrounding suburbs.

To cut a very long story short we found a house, not close to the school, in fact it takes longer than where we use to live, but that’s OK!

Funny story about finding this house, it nearly didn’t happen.  It was the Friday night before I said to hubby I am tired of looking and wanted our weekends back to just relax.  I had my vision board of kitchen renovations so I suggested let’s just stay in this house and I’ll renovate the kitchen instead.  But… the next morning hubby found the house up for auction the next weekend (he happened to be looking in a suburb we hadn’t previously thought of living in which was why we had not found the house earlier).  We were dropping a child to a friend’s house around the corner so thought… why not, let’s have a look. Although I was so over looking, I didn’t really want to go but went anyway.  Well… it was perfect, it needed a few little changes made, but we could both see ourselves living in it.  Then the frantic week began… I’ll share that in the next post.

When did you know you were ready to move house?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.