This post is sponsored by Containers For Change
Did you know you can now get your eligible 10 cent containers picked up from your home for free? Container Collect, a home collection service by Containers for Change (available in 900 Qld suburbs) is so easy to use and the refund is paid into your account.
A couple of months ago I posted about how easy it was to make money by recycling your bottles and cans with Containers for Change. Well, that process just got a whole lot easier with their newest service, Container Collect!
Now, not only can you make money from your recycling, but Container Collect will pick it up from your house for FREE!
I was unable to get to my local refund point this week to cash in so I booked a home collection with Container Collect. It was one less trip I needed to make and a task easily ticked off my to-do list.
Pickup was so easy to organise and all those containers were collected from my doorstep. A few days later, the money was deposited into my account. Here’s how I did it!
1. Collect 100+ eligible containers
I collected more than 100 eligible drink cans and bottles, which is the minimum amount you need for a home collection. You can recycle glass, aluminium, steel, plastic and liquid paperboard beverage containers which are between 150ml and 3L (typically, these include water bottles, soft drink bottles and cans, beer/alcohol bottles and cans, poppers, Up’n’Go and chocolate/coffee milk cartons).

If you’re not sure if a container can be recycled, check to see if your container has a 10c mark on it or check the barcode on the Containers for Change app or website.

2. Book your collection
I made my booking on the website but you can also download the Containers for Change app. It was so super easy! As soon as I typed my address in, the pickup dates displayed and I chose the date that suited me and booked it in. I added the number of bags I had and where I would leave them outside for collection (this should be a safe, secure location).
The first time you make a booking, it will prompt you to sign up for a scheme ID so you can receive your refund for each eligible container you return. Once you have this number, you just use it every time you recycle (you can even save it to your Apple Wallet).

3. Bag your containers
First, make sure all items are clean and remove the lids.
The containers don’t need to be sorted so I just popped them into garbage bags. You can also use recyclable bags. At the moment, these bags can’t be returned to you (so don’t use your good ones!)

4. Label your bags
Write your scheme ID on labels and stick them on the bags. Easy! I just used masking tape but you can also use any labels you might have at home.

5. Put your bags out
The night before my pick up, I got a handy text message reminder to put out my bags. I just had to make sure I put them in the same place I specified in the booking.

6. Collection
This one is the simplest step ever because my work was already done. The bags were picked up – I didn’t even need to be home. Done!

A few days after my collection, my refund money was deposited into my bank account! If you’re collecting for a charity, you can also donate by writing the charity’s scheme ID on your bags.
Container Collect is a fantastic home collection service for anyone who is unable to get to a collection point, such as busy families, the elderly or people who don’t drive.
Container Collect is available in 900 suburbs across South-East Queensland as well as Toowoomba, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley, Townsville, Burdekin and Rockhampton. Check if Container Collect is available in your suburb here.

Do you have a lot of cans and drink containers? Do you put them into the recycling bin? Did you know that you can make money from them by taking your cans, bottles and poppers to Containers for Change. Continue Reading