Organising You – You can do it, make the start

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Have you been struggling to know where to start?  TODAY is the day to start getting YOU organised, tidy the house, exercise, be social whatever your priority is… you can do it, don’t procrastinate, please just try.

you can do whatever you want

image credit

Follow these steps:

  1. Print the weekly plannercalendar or get your diary and write in all your appointments for the month.
  2. List your priorities
  3. Determine what your weaknesses are
  4. Create a plan.  Use the Cleaning Checklist and gradually make your way to a cleaner home.  Use your planner, calendar or diary to create a cleaning routine for yourself. 

List your priorities and weaknesses

What are your priorities?  My priorities are:

  • exercise
  • balancing work and family
  • follow my cleaning routine
  • finding time to relax
My weaknesses
  • time, I don’t have enough
  • too much time on the computer while kids are at home
  • too much to do so I skipped the gym
  • I haven’t scrapbooked for a very long time
My plan

Each morning I make the kids and hubby’s lunches and ensure that washing is always on the line (I like to put it out the afternoon before), along with completing a few other chores.  While I have my breakfast I have 5 minutes computer time.  I take the kids to school and have now learnt to put me next.  Before, I would more than likely come home and blog or fluff around on the computer which can easily draw you in for a few hours.  Now I have prioritised, I am putting me first….

  1. As soon as I drop the kids at school I head to the gym
  2. Come home, shower
  3. Complete my cleaning tasks
  4. Make dinner (2 day’s a week I need to start during day as we have after school sports to attend) or do some baking.
  5. Then….it is my blogging/computer time or coffee with a friend, go shopping, attend appointments etc
  6. Pick the kids up from school.  Here I have also learnt to have computer free time between 3-7pm

You really can do whatever you want, set your mind to it and please at least try.

What are your priorities?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.