by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

This post is sponsored by Metamucil

Recently I shared with you my 12+ habits to help you be an Organised Mum, which included tips to help you to stay in control of the home. Perhaps more importantly though is to ask yourself the question of whether you have habits that help look after you? Towards the end of last year I recognised I was burnt out; I was physically and mentally exhausted. My burnout was coming from all the areas of my life, being a mum, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a blogger, a business owner, from the house and my health. I became so tired that I started to neglect some of those habits that make my wellbeing a priority. For my health and sanity, I needed to make some changes. It has been a few months now and I have to tell you, I am feeling happier, clearer, calmer and on the road back to my super self.


my family! yes… we are all standing flat footed, the kids are so much taller than me!

I know I am not alone when it comes to feeling mentally and physically exhausted at times. It’s no wonder that we burn out with all the different roles we play in our everyday lives. Looking after ourselves is not selfish. Think of it like this, a car won’t run without fuel, and neither will we.  Prioritising our health and wellbeing will fuel our bodies to give us more energy for all those tasks that everyday life throws at us.

Now that the kids have returned to school, it’s my self-declared New Year (I always feel once they have started school it is the beginning of a fresh year). I have revisited the little things that prioritise my wellbeing and ensure they are not neglected in 2017.


In our busy lives, it’s very easy to neglect the healthy habits that keep us eating right and feeling great. When we’re super busy, we tend to act on autopilot, and run ourselves into a state of feeling burnt out, stuck & rundown, ultimately feeling not as productive and dynamic as we desire to be.

Prioritising your health when you’re busy involves weaving healthy habits into your day so that they become automatic and part of your daily routine. The old adage rings true, “you are what you eat.” Nourishing my body with healthy food is essential for me, as I know firsthand the positive effect it has on my mood, my energy levels and how I perform in life every single day.

This New Year, I have made some changes to my diet. I have eliminated some foods and make simple meat and vegetables or salad for dinner. Nothing fancy, and I love how quick and easy simple dinners are to make.  I have restocked the fridge and pantry with healthy snack options to help fuel me through to dinner. These small food based changes have certainly helped. Not only can I see a significant difference in how I’m sleeping (I am in bed around 9.30pm and asleep within minutes) but I am not feeling bloated and tired at the end of the day.

The biggest change I’ve made when it comes to nutrition is starting every morning with a glass of Metamucil. Metamucil is a supplement which contains 100% natural psyllium, a super fibre with multiple health benefits like helping you feel lighter and more active. I first started taking it shortly after my twins were born to help regulate my digestive system. Drinking a glass of Metamucil each morning is the easiest way to incorporate psyllium into my diet and is my secret weapon for feeling ‘super’ every morning.

In addition to feeling lighter and more active, a daily glass of Metamucil also:

  • acts as a daily cleanser for your insides
  • helps the body’s natural toxin removal process via a cleansing effect


I like to simply add Metamucil to a glass of water, but you can jazz it up by adding it to your favourite smoothie for a fibre-packed psyllium boost – lovely and refreshing on these hot summer days. My Super Tropical Crush recipe includes frozen mango, banana, coconut milk, ice and 1.5 teaspoons of Metamucil, topped with some passionfruit!


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  • Author: Katrina Springer
  • Total Time: 5 mins
  • Yield: 1 1x


  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 banana
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1.5 level teaspoons of Metamucil Orange Smooth Powder
  • 3/4 cup crushed ice
  • passionfruit, to serve on top


  1. Place all ingredients, except passionfruit, into a blender.
  2. Blend well until ice and frozen mango pieces are crushed and smooth.
  3. Fill your glass, top with passionfruit and drink promptly.
  • Prep Time: 5 mins


Note: Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.

IN 2017 I WILL: Start my day with a daily glass of ‘super’ – Metamucil


Exercising first thing in the morning before anything else means I don’t run the risk of other things on my to-do list distracting me. Given that I am going to bed at a reasonable hour, my natural body clock is now waking me up earlier, and I have no excuse not to exercise.  After a walk or a workout, I always naturally feel better about myself. Exercise can also help you:

  • become more alert and focused throughout the day
  • improve your mood
  • feel more energised
  • develop strong self-discipline
  • decrease stress levels
  • sleep better

Ultimately, I find that morning exercise gives me more physical energy throughout the day as well as mental energy. I feel more healthy, creative and productive when I exercise.

IN 2017 I WILL: Continue with morning walks because it is the key to a productive day. Well, that and a good to-do list!


I’m not one for keeping a diary, but I do like to reflect back on what has made me happy. Especially when I am feeling a little down and frazzled, it’s good to read through and evaluate progress and remember accomplishments.

2017 GRATITUDE NOTES - Write notes of daily gratitude which you can look back and reflect on. See what makes you happy or see what may be triggering a change in your mood and to help you find your happy self again.

Reviewing this each week also helps to identify a pattern that may be contributing to burn out.From there you can create a strategy and solution to help you find your happy self again.  I am using the page above, which can be instantly downloaded from my shop here.  I designed this page for how it would benefit me most, as each week I want to focus on one area that may have troubled me the week before. I write down my thoughts through the week and then review and add strategies at the end to see if I am working towards that goal.  Although you can easily use a bullet journal or notes in your phone.

IN 2017 I WILL: Take time to recognise the signs.


We have identified that we need to take more family holidays.  My hubby and I are both self-employed and work at home. Home is also the place we want to relax, and sometimes this can be hard knowing we have deadlines and commitments that need to be met.  Our kids are growing up quickly; I want to create more fun and happy memories before it’s too cool to hang out with Mum and Dad. So this year it’s high on our priority list to plan around kids sports, activities away from home at least one day each 2nd weekend and book in a few getaways.

this was from our recent trip to Daydream Island.  See, they are growing so tall. 

IN 2017 I WILL: Book a family holiday as well as a child-free getaway with Scotty.


Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make us happy.  One thing for me is having my toes painted, by either spoiling myself and getting a pedicure, or painting my nails at home.  For some it may be going to the hairdresser, reading a book, going to the beach, manicures, facials, walking, riding a bike, coffee with friends (which I love probably more than getting my toenails painted). It’s these little things that give us simple joy and happiness and they need to be a priority on our calendar.


IN 2017 I WILL: Find time for the little things that make me happy.


I have always been really good with setting my boundaries between work and home life. However, when I do stop work, I get anxious about all the work that I wasn’t able to get through, which then gives me that drowning, overwhelmed feeling. I know I need to stop work, but I love my work and enjoy it immensely. I overextend myself; I have too many ideas and tasks that I can’t physically complete in my desired timeframe.

IN 2017 I WILL: Balance my to-do list, be kind to myself and only do what is physically possible for one person.

What helps make you feel super every day?

Note: Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.

This post is run in accordance with my disclosure policy.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.