Healthy Snack Ideas for Busy Mums

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Snack ideas that you can grab and go. Healthy snack and nibble ideas perfect for a busy mum to grab on the way out the door to do the school pick-up.

When you’ve had a busy day sometimes you need a healthy filling snack to keep you going through the afternoon until dinner time. It’s so easy to reach for something unhealthy as you duck out the door, or even worse, grab a chocolate bar from the petrol station when filling up with fuel. Having some snacks on hand or some prepared items that are ready to go helps you make better snack choices. When I am making school and work lunches for myself and the family, I like to make up some small snack containers as well for when I get the nibbles in the afternoon. If there is something already made that is a healthier choice it stops me from reaching for chocolate. I love divided snack containers, like the one pictured below so that I can pack a few different little items to nibble on.

healthy snack ideas to grab and go


You can’t go past some fresh fruit as the easiest and healthiest grab and go snack.  No prep needed generally.  Grab a banana if you’re looking for a more filling fruit option.

Veggie Sticks and Dip

I like to keep pre-chopped veggie sticks in the fridge. I find keeping the sticks in jars with water keeps them fresh and then they are ready to go. Pair them with a yummy dip like hummus in a little snack container and you are good to snack on the go!

  Read more on Storing Carrots and Celery for Healthy Snacking here.

If you are like me and enjoy snacking through the day, you'll love my tips on storing veggie sticks so they stay fresh and crunchy all week long.

Trail Mix

Trail mix is packed full of nutrients, good fats and energy. You could either pre-make your own trail mix or buy a commercial version from the supermarket. I like to include a mix of nuts, dried fruits, seeds and coconut flakes in mine. You could add some dark chocolate chips to make it a bit naughtier.

Hardboiled eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest snack choices you could make. They are rich in protein, good fats and nutrients. Keep some in the fridge already hard boiled and ready to eat. This makes them an easy and quick snack item that you can eat on the run.

Bliss Balls

Bliss balls are a great snack to have ready to grab and go. They are delicious and depending on the recipe can be packed full of nutrients and protein. My peanut butter coconut balls (pictured below) are full of protein and one of my favourites. I always like to have a batch of bliss balls made up and stored in the fridge. Find all my bliss ball recipes here.

  Make my Peanut Butter Coconut Balls recipe here.Lunchbox peanut butter ball recipe


If it is air-popped and not smothered in butter then popcorn is a healthy high fibre and low calorie snack item. Keep some ready to go in a container in the cupboard, it’s also a great lunchbox snack item.

Muesli Bar

Pre-make a batch of muesli bars to keep in the fridge. A snack bar like my honey almond bars helps kerb my sugary cravings in the afternoons and is quite filling.

  Find my Honey Almond bars recipe here.

Almond and honey muesli bar recipe idea

Cheese and Crackers

Some nice crackers with some slices of a good cheese is one of my favourite snack choices. Whilst it may not be the best option for an everyday snack, it is yummy as an occasional snack in the afternoon.


A healthy smoothie is a great choice when you’re in a rush, and will give you enough energy to keep you going all afternoon. The best part about having a smoothie is that you can have it on-the-go. Add some protein powder, banana, berries, cacao, spinach, etc. You can also choose to mix it with coconut water, milk, soy milk, almond milk or plain water. There are so many different variations you can create.  As a timesaver pre-prepare some smoothie ingredient packs and have them in your freezer ready to blend. Have a look at our range of handpicked stainless steel insulated tumblers here, ideal for drinking a smoothie on the run.

  Shop the range of Smoothie Insulated Tumblers here.

healthy snack idea on the go - smoothie

What is your favourite snack to grab on the way out the door?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.