25 Happiness Hacks To Help During Stressful Times

Combat uncertainty and stress with these quick, easy and affordable happiness tips that’ll put a smile on your dial and a bounce in your step.

Life can feel hard at times – combine the everyday pressure of kids, work, washing, hormones, rainy days, and money, and you have a pile of commitments and stress that can leave your shoulders slumped, your smile the wrong way around, and the air a tad heavy.

When life gets the better of you, I want to help you shake off those sadness shackles, boost your mood, and jump-start your happy hormones! With the help of the girls here in the office, I’ve created this list of ’25 Happiness Hacks’ which will hopefully do just that.. and heaps of them won’t even cost you a cent.

The last few months have been so busy and I feel in need of some self love and a few pick-me-ups. These 25 happiness hacks have certainly helped me do just that. Here’s hoping they help you too…

1. Buy Flowers

Buy a bunch of flowers for a burst of colour and fragrance. I often buy myself a bunch of supermarket flowers just because I deserve it! If you’re wanting to add colourful flowers that last, and last, and last, then check out our range of incredibly realistic faux flowers here.

2. Ignite Your Senses

I love to diffuse essential oils, and find them very therapeutic (check out my Beginner’s Guide To Essential Oils for more info). Picking the oil I need at any give point is a very intuitive process – some oils calm me, motivate me, or ground me. You can also roll-on essential oils, burn a scented candle, or use a reed diffuser instead.

Essential oils to help you relax and be happy

3. Treat Yourself

Whether it’s taking time out to paint your nails, give yourself a facial, or indulge in a professional massage (because some places have opened up again – yay!), it’s so important to treat ourselves – we’re worth it after all! I had a facial recently and my skin felt so good afterwards I didn’t put on any makeup for days.

  Check out some great Groupon deals to save you dollars.

4. See A Friend

Coffee with a friend always warms my heart – I have missed being able to do this so much! They listen and I get what I need out of it. Having a community around us is so important, even if you can only manage a phone call to a friend, I guarantee it will lift your spirit.

5. Get Organised

Even something as simple as writing out my meal plan and shopping list for the week helps me to feel a bit more in control – and I always feel so much happier when life is not a total shambles after I get home from work. I am also loving The Organised Calendar for putting all my appointments and commitments on. It’s big, beautiful and a great visual reminder of what I have coming up.

get organised with The Organised Housewife calendar

6. Get A Good Book

If returning to the ‘real world’ has felt a bit daunting, then escape it for a while (don’t worry it will still be there later) by getting lost in a good book. I recently read my first book ever and loved it! Check out this blog featuring my reader’s Top 25 Best Books To Read for some inspiration.

  READ MORE: Top 25 Best Books To Read

7. Get Grateful

I’m guilty of racing through life and sometimes forgetting to take stock of all the amazing things I have to be grateful for. Reminding ourselves of all the kick-ass things we have to be thankful for is an instant mood lifter! If you want to go even further, keep a gratitude journal – people who do this are happier and more resilient.  I have a diary where I write in it each day the thing I am most grateful for that day. They don’t have to be big things – even if it was ‘I had enough time to do a face mask’. It’s really good to look back on and appreciate the little and the big things. 

8. Take A Bath

Relax, have a bath with candles, bath salts, and a glass of wine (or bubbly if you’re feeling fun!).

  Read how to make these Citrus Bath Salts here.

9. Listen To Music

Music is a definite go-to for me when I’m feeling a bit flat. I have my happy play lists that help snap me out of my slumps.

  Follow The Organised Housewife Motivation Mix on Spotify here. 

10. Dance

If my happy music isn’t quite cutting it, then I turn it up really loud and have a good dance around the lounge room. There’s nothing like blasting music and bouncing along – a definite mood lifter!  I really like loud music, if you ever see me out and about in my car, you’ll probably hear my music (unless the teenagers are driving, in which case we’ll be driving in silence so they can concentrate). 

11. Cuddle Your Pets

I don’t need any encouragement to cuddle my fur-babies… snuggling up with a cup of coffee and my Zoe girl always puts a smile on my dial. She’s a great secret keeper too!

12. Dress Up

Allow yourself to be a bit fancy! Who says heels, bright lipstick and fabulous jewellery needs to be just for ‘special occasions’? If you need a quick pick-me-up, I’m guessing there’s probably one hiding in the bottom of your closet or cosmetic bag.

13. Time With Family

Spending time with the people who know me best – and who love me just the same – can do wonders for my soul. Take the time to hang out with your family, whether it’s hopping in the car to go visit the extended family (now that you can again!), or simply playing a board game or doing a puzzle with the kids, either way I promise you’ll feel happier and more connected because of it.

Jigsaw puzzle range

14. Go Shopping

Even if you don’t buy anything, the simple act of getting lost in pretty things and strangers can help take you out of your own head for a while.

15. Help Someone

When was the last time you did something selfless for a complete stranger? Doing something nice for someone (even someone we don’t know) can help put a smile on their face, as well as yours too! I recently gave a local mum a washing machine to help her and her family – it was the best feeling ever! 

  READ MORE: 25 Random Acts of Kindness

random acts of kindness

16. Movie or TV Show

Getting lost in a good movie or TV show is my way of switching off my brain from all the things us mums have to do for work and our families. Check out my blog The Best 20 Netflix Shows to Binge Watch, for some inspiration.

17. Get Some Sunshine

Did you know nearly one-third of Aussie adults have some form of Vitamin D deficiency… and that I’m one of them?! This is an even more pressing issue in the winter months when we have less sunlight. So go outside and get some sunshine for a quick pick-me-up and a good dose of Vitamin D – just please remember to slip slop slap! I walk in the mornings to get a boost of sunshine and find it’s a great way to start my day. 

18. Bake

I like to bake something naughty – without the kids around! It’s my creative outlet. I think we all have a creative side, so take some time to tap into what yours is, and enjoy getting lost in the art of creation. In addition to my popular Lunch Box Recipe Cookbook, I have just realised a new Hearty Dinners Recipe Cookbook too! Both include fuss-free ingredient lists and full-colour page pics for every recipe, so they’re super easy to follow along with.

19. Eat Chocolate

The best part about baking something naughty is getting to eat it – comfort food is the best! If you’re not a baker though, a store-bought treat will still hit the spot.

20. Go Green

Just being in a natural green space will help lift your mood. Stretch out on a blanket under a tree, feel your home with green plants, or if you’re feeling more energetic go for a walk in the park. Exercising helps release all those feel-good endorphins so it’s like a double whammy! If you’re like me and have the opposite of a green thumb, check out our amazing green range of artificial plants here.

Indoor plants and sign for happiness

21. Be In The Moment

Being mindful helps keep us in the moment, and is a great way to address anxiety. It’s a form of meditation, but without the need to sit cross-legged in the dark for an hour (although I’m sure that would work pretty well too). Being mindful just means thinking about the task at hand and getting lost in that – be it washing the dishes, walking the dog, or something more enjoyable like having a wine.

22. Affirmations

Have an affirmations book on hand for a quick pick me up, or better still write your own affirmations on sticky notes and place them where you’ll see them each day – like on the car dashboard, bathroom mirror, or above the kettle. If you’re looking for a more permanent pick-me-up, check out my Positive + Uplifting Affirmation Quote Cards here. They make the perfect addition to an office desk or hallway table.

positive uplifting affirmation quote cards

AND… if you’d like a daily dose of gratitude direct to your inbox, sign up to my Today 2 Do emails. I send these emails each weekday and they include a happy phrase to encourage your day to be filled with positivity and gratitude, as well as a daily task to complete (such as wiping over your kitchen cupboards or challenging you to declutter the kitchen junk drawer). Sign up here

23. Have Fun!

Do something fun! Tap into the unbridled energy and unencumbered play of childhood. We often forget the art of how to let go and really be in the moment. Kids are naturals at this, so spend some time with the kids and let yourself be sucked into their world of play for a little while.

24. De-clutter

An organised home helps me to organise my mind too, which in turn makes me feel instantly calmer! For a helping hand with this, check out my Declutter 52 Things eCourse, where I break down the challenge of de-cluttering your home into easy achievable tasks.

Declutter course for tidy organised home

25. Smile!

If all else fails, simply fake it till you make it! Science says that the simple act of turning your frown upside down releases feel-good hormones that actually helps turn your bad mood on its head too! So show me those pearly whites ladies.

BUT PLEASE REMEMBER… Whilst a quick pick me up is great for days when you’re feeling low, or for hard weeks, remember it’s not okay to be feeling unhappy most of the time – there are people you can talk to. If you are feeling low more often than not (or know a friend who is) please discuss this with your GP or call Lifeline on 13 11 14. You don’t have to suffer alone.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.