What makes a good mum?

This post is sponsored by KFC

What makes a good mum?  This is THE QUESTION, from the day our children were born we always question ourselves. Am I a good mum?  Am I doing this right? Being a mum is hard work, we strive to keep the family happy, fed, clean and may set our expectations too high that it can all become overwhelming.  Far too often we compare ourselves to other mums, which isn’t healthy. Before the kids are born we usually set expectations of what a good mum is, likely based on what we read, watch on TV, see in the community or from our own parents.

There is no one right way to be a good mother, in my opinion if you possess the following you’re a good mum.

What makes a good mum?

YOUR SUPPORTIVE – Listen to your child when they talk and instead of telling them what they should do, provide them support and encourage them to make their own decisions, as they get older this will give them confidence to become independent adults.  The kids will appreciate that they can come and talk to you about their problems, with friends, teachers, their troubles, worries, about puberty etc, it’s good for them to know they have somebody that will believe in them and who they can trust.

YOU FEED THEM – this is really a necessity all kids need to eat, so if you are feeding them, you’re doing something right!


THEY ARE SAFE – They have a safe home environment, a place to sleep and eyes watching over them when they decide to wander.


SPEND TIME TOGETHER – Spend quality time together by simply sitting down at the dinner table having dinner together each night, reading, playing at the park, cooking, playing board games and while doing this encouraging conversation and laughter.  This time together makes the kids feel important and loved, which in turn helps to build their self-worth and self-esteem.


BE A GOOD EXAMPLE – Children like to mimic their parents, they learn behavior based on those around them.


Mothers Day Traditions

Mothers Day is this Sunday, a day to sit back and be spoilt by your kids.  Typically on Mothers Day I get booted from the kitchen, the kids make me pancakes for breakfast and the family usually take me out for lunch, either dining somewhere nice or a picnic by the water.  I have a soft spot for KFC as this was my first real job as a teenager and it tastes so good!


Other ways to spend Mothers Day:

Thank you to some of my readers for sharing their mother’s day traditions

  • A hot breakfast made by the kids
  • Run in the Mothers Day Classic Fun Run
  • Get treated like a Queen
  • Once I had children I believe it’s now my day. Not my mother’s or grandmother’s. I spent years going to family events. Cooking and over scheduling. Now I just stay home and chill with the kids. If hubby is away they make toast and coffee.
  • While I love my mother and mother in law, after I have seen both of them I only have half a day left for myself. But if they were not here I would miss them.
  • Go out for lunch with my Mum
  • After years of running around after everyone else my mum, sister and I go to a restaurant for either lunch or dinner and spoil ourselves leaving husbands and kids to fend for themselves it has made us very happy and relaxing for about the past five years this year adding daughters as their two are also mothers
  • plant a tree with Landcare when you’re a mum without a mum
  • Go to the movies
  • Rent a movie and eat snacks on the couch
  • Go out for dinner
  • The family make my favourite dinner
  • The family clean the house
  • Go out for brunch

How do you like to spend Mother’s Day?

This post was coordinated by The Remarkables Group and run in accordance with my disclosure policy

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.