Mothers Day Tips From Single Mums And Blended Families

Mother’s Day can look a little different for today’s mums, so I asked single mums in my community, and those in blended families to tell me how and why they make Mother’s Day special for themselves.

Are you about to embark on your first Mother’s Day as a single mum, preparing for a Mother’s Day without your children, or maybe wondering how to make the day special with children too small to make you breakfast in bed or arrange a gift? Then please read on… because I think these tips from my community on how and why they celebrate Mother’s Day could really help. Families come in all different shapes and sizes, which means there is no cut and paste approach to Mother’s Day that works for every mum and every family. It seems that modern mums are addressing this by making their own Mother’s Day rules and traditions, and they are absolutely beautiful!

Why Should I Celebrate Mother’s Day?

There’s a lot of stigma around the commercialisation of Mother’s Day, but remember YOU can make the day whatever you want to make it. This is what some single mums had to say about why they celebrate Mother’s Day.

“I’m starting to realise that it is important to celebrate Mother’s Day, even if you have to engineer it, to pass on the message to your kids that Mothers are important, should be celebrated and not treated as an afterthought. Very important if you’ve been in a marriage where they witnessed the opposite treatment and think that that’s acceptable.” – Fiona

“Being a single mum with my first I learnt to own my ability to make myself feel special. No one else defines your worth except you. When I was solo parenting for 7 years I always went out and did something special for the two of us – lunch, movie, ice cream, PJ day watching movies and just hanging out.” – Keri

 DOWNLOAD: Your kids can answer these little questions and you will have a great laugh reading them on Mothers Day.  Click here to see how to download this print.


Ask For Help

You’re not alone in this. Whether it’s a grandparent, your child’s school, an organised event, or a helpful sales assistant, there’s always someone you can call on to help your kids make your day special.

“My parents would always order something online and have it delivered to home. I wasn’t allowed to open it and the kids would sneak it off and wrap it for me. When they got older and wanted to pick something for me I told them I’d just love them to make me a card. I have received some of the sweetest cards you can imagine! The things they write are adorable. In recent years I’ve given them a little bit of money and taken them to Myers, I clue in the sales ladies and they are always amazing. They help the kids pick me a couple of things and they get to keep them a surprise. The kids get a huge kick out of this.” – Kristy

“My youngest buys a gift at the school Mother’s Day stall. Then my oldest goes shopping at the store. If it’s not my weekend my ex always lets them come to me.” – Elizabeth

“Bunnings also have free family nights – usually the Thursday night before mothers and father’s days. It’s usually free craft, activities and food.” – Nicole

“We go and do a mother’s day craft at Stocklands. They put something in for the kids for the day and usually they get to make a card.” – Kayla

Let The Kids Take Charge

Our children are often capable of way more than we realise! Give them the option to show a little initiative and they might surprise you.

“I don’t have family around nor a husband. My 2 children have made breakfast in bed since they were little. It began as butter on bread with a glass of milk when they were 3 and 5 to now omelettes, frittata, etc now that they are 12 and 14. I give them $5 The day before and I stand at the door of the dollar stores while they run in to buy me something. They get so excited to find the weirdest thing they can. Mother’s day morning is always fun.” – Heidi

“I was alone with no family, raising 3 little girls on my own. When my girls were young, they asked me to take them to the library, but wait outside. My 3 little girls borrowed some books for me together with homemade bookmarks and cards. These meant more than any bought pressie ever could. Their school teacher had helped them with the idea, I will never forget it.” – Jane

“My son makes an effort with breakfast in bed. Then if I can afford it, we go out to lunch but I give him my keycard and he pays. We pretend it is a date and get dressed up. If I am broke he does up the table and we have a date at home instead.” – Me-lissa

“My little boy makes me a cup of tea and lets me sleep in.” – Melanie

Keep It Simple

It doesn’t need to be complicated. Sometimes it’s the little things that matter most.

“Take it easy, watch a movie with the kids, go out for a good coffee.” – Rachelle

“I take the kids out for a Mother’s Day breakfast…it’s our special tradition to do together.” – Sharna

“Spoil yourself. Take a long bath, read books, shopping, whatever you’re into. It’s our special day after all.” – Yuana

“I don’t do any housework, binge watch Netflix, stuff myself stupid with chocolate and chips and get take away for dinner!” – Kelly-Jo

“Blended family – we change the date to suit our rotation.” – Bec

Spend The Day With Friends Or Family

Spending the day with friends or family can be a really nice way to pick yourself up if you’re new to single motherhood, feeling a bit flat, or if you’re unable to spend Mother’s Day with your kids for some reason.

“Over the last few years as my sons are in their late teens, I’ve been doing the Mother’s Day Classic with friends as I’m a breast cancer survivor, and seeing as it’s my day, I do something that means a lot to me. Afterwards we have lunch and a wine and head home, then I get to spend the rest of the day with my sons.” – Tina

“Mothers day for me has always been about my Mum! It’s a day to celebrate how much I understand what she went through for us now!” – Faith

“This will be my first year as a single mum and we will be camping with friends.” – Karina

“With my children living far away I always spend the day with my mum who is 85. All my siblings come over and spend the day with us over a big lunch.” – Rose

“I’m a bereaved mummy. I have 2 here and 1 in heaven. It’s a very hard milestone. We usually go to the cemetery and then have lunch with extended family on husbands side. Also which makes things worse, I’m estranged with my own parents.” – Amy

I Like To Sit Out Mother’s Day

Other mums choose to sit out the day altogether, instead seeing every day as a chance to celebrate motherhood – how beautiful! 

“Never celebrated mothers day, don’t need a day to be lavished with gifts… every day is a gift. Seeing my kids enjoy life, achieve their goals and dreams is my gift.” – Emily

“I’m a single mom of three… I will have to work then I’ll cook us dinner, lol. I have three wonderful littles, they are my gift!” – Holly

“Every day is mother’s Day for me.” – Katie


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.