FREE Mother’s Day Gift + Breakfasts The Kids Can Help Make

As mums we often stress that we’re not perfect. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be successful mothers, and to do it all. Well what if I told you that to everyone who matters, you’re already perfect?

In partnership with Woolworths

I often question if I am doing the best job at raising my kids. Am I a good mum? Am I too controlling? Am I giving them the right advice?  There have been many periods in my kids upbringing that I have struggled; the terrible two’s, starting school, and now even more so that the twins have turned 16 and are becoming really independent.

We are mums to our children, so shouldn’t it be their opinion that indicates whether we’re doing this ‘mum gig’ well? I mean we’re not mothering anyone else (and if you are, please stop, our other halves are very capable of standing on their own two feet – hehe!).

Life throws so many hurdles our way, and we all have those days (even weeks and months!) where we feel like we’re just keeping our heads above water. I think sometimes though, we’re the ones setting the bar too high for ourselves, because in reality, our kids are just fine. Our kids, for the most part, are happy.

Still not convinced? Then answer me these questions…

  • Are your kids warm?
  • Do they have full tummies?
  • Are your children loved?
  • Do they feel safe?

You see children don’t need the latest toys, 3 course meals, or expensive extra curricular activities. If they’ve got these then that’s fine, but without them you are still ticking all the right boxes.

In case you need a little reminder of how perfectly successful you already are, I am gifting this printable for FREE when you subscribe to my weekly newsletter. It’s a reminder that you’re doing an amazing job, and a thank you from me for your ongoing support and loyalty to The Organised Housewife.

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I have an NEW exclusive coupon code for all of The Organised Housewife community.  When you place your next Woolworths online order and spend $150, use this code to get $10 off for pick up orders! View code here.

In case you need more reassurance that you’re a super well-loved mum who is kicking goals in all areas that matter, here are some easy breakfast ideas that the kids can make for you this Mother’s Day. Pick one out with the kids, and watch their excitement as they go about preparing you a breakfast laced with love.

CITRUS TEA SUNRISE – an aromatic combination of pomegranate, orange and chamomile.

  View this Citrus Tea Sunrise recipe here.

Homemade tea for mum on mothers day

FRENCH TOAST HEARTS WITH STRAWBERRIES – nothing says “I love you mum” like heart shaped french toast, right?!

  View this French Toast with Strawberries recipe here.

Heart pancakes for mum

GLUTEN-FREE BANOFFEE PANCAKES – a super easy ready-to-go packet mix that tastes delicious, and is a great option for the kids who are old enough to help.

  View this Gluten-Free Banoffee Pancakes recipe here.

Gluten free pancakes

SMOKED SALMON BAGELS – fresh and easy to prepare – even the young kids can help to combine the topping ingredients and assemble the bagels.

  View this Smoked Salmon Bagel recipe here.

Smoked Salmon Bagel Recipe from Woolworths

WHITE CHOCOLATE & RASPBERRY MUFFINS – you can make these in advance (they only take 5 minutes to prep!) with the kids and freeze, then all the kids have to do Mother’s Day morning is pop them in the microwave and serve with some whipped cream. Yum yum.

  View my White Chocolate and Raspberry Muffins recipe here.

White chocolate and raspberry muffins

EGG TOASTS WITH ROASTED TOMATOES & AVOCADO – now this is toast with a twist! The kids will love helping with this one, and if they’re too young to cook, they may be able to cut the heart shapes out for you. Roast tomatoes and avo make for a yummy addition to this toast.

  View this Egg Toasts with Roasted Tomatoes & Avocado recipe here.

Heart shaped toast with egg and avocado

LAYERED TROPICAL FRUIT BREAKFAST CUPS – a fabulous one for the young children, because once you’ve chopped up the fruit for them, they can easily assemble the fruit cups by layering the muesli with the yoghurt and fruit.

  View this Layered Tropical Fruit Breakfast Cups recipe here.

Tropical fruit cup for Mother's Day

FRUIT TOAST WITH RICOTTA, FRUIT & SEEDS – a fancy toast option that is easy for the kids to do, and super delicious for us mummies to eat.

  View this Fruit Toast with Ricotta, Fruit & Seeds recipe here.

Or purchase the Ricotta Banana Bread Grocery Savings Bundle online here for a super quick and easy breakfast option.

Fruit toast Mother's Day Woolworths recipeDELICIOUS CINNAMON SCROLLS – these scrolls are absolutely delicious! My whole family gets excited when I cook them. Prepare in advance (prep time is only 10 minutes) and let the kids heat up for you on Mother’s Day morning. They are perfect with a hot cuppa!

  View my Delicious Cinnamon Scrolls recipe here.

Delicious cinnamon scrolls

BERRY SMOOTHIE BOWL – delicious and very easy to make. Simply pop all the ingredients into a blender and voila!

  View this Berry Smoothie Bowl recipe here or try the Grocery Saving Bundle here. 

Berry Smoothie recipe from Woolworths

TURMERIC TEA WITH APPLE AND MINT – a beautiful blend of Granny Smith apples, mint, black tea, honey and turmeric.

  View this Turmeric Tea with Apple and Mint recipe here.

Turmeric tea for mum on mothers day

APPLE AND OAT MUFFINS – a great breakfast accompaniment to fruit, cream, and a hot coffee! Again, these babies can be made in advance, so that all the kids need to do is heat them up for a yummy Mother’s Day breakfast.

  View my Apple and Oat Muffins recipe here.


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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.