Does your teen want money for Christmas this year? Use this creative way to gift money this Christmas!
At times, as kids get older I find it gets harder to buy gifts for them. When I asked my kids what they wanted for Christmas, the answer almost always is money so they can save it for one big-ticket item. If you are giving your kids money for Christmas, here is a fun idea on how to gift them the money.

Find a jar – you could buy a new mason jar from any type of store or you could recycle a coffee jar, like the one in the photos or even a pasta sauce jar, it’s totally up to you. Fill the jar with chocolates or lollies so it comes across as a sweet treat but when your child opens it up – SURPRISE it’s money! Your child will love it!

Place a stapled roll of cardboard in the middle of a coffee jar. Fill jar with some colourful chocolate or lollies to disguise a hidden gift inside the roll. Great idea for a ticket, money or something special.