Christmas Gift List – How To Not Blow The Budget When Buying For Kids

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

I’ve been chatting to quite a few friends lately about Christmas and it seems like the biggest concern is blowing the budget. It can be super easy to get excited about Christmas shopping, that you can end up wrapping so many unnecessary presents the night before Christmas and asking yourself, “Did I really buy this much?”.  Don’t worry – you’re not the only one! It seems to be the number one complaint for many that they spend way too much on presents their children don’t even need half the time. That’s why it’s important to create a Christmas gift list to follow so that you don’t overspend.

As you know I’m a planner.  I do remember years ago, ooh the twins probably weren’t even two yet and I was wrapping gifts on the bed the night before Christmas, which is when it occurred to me that I bought way too many presents.  From then I was definitely a Christmas Gift planner and list writer as I didn’t want to spend money on unnecessary gifts. When the kids were younger it was easy to buy them a select number of toys, some clothes and books, but as they have gotten older I find buying gifts harder.  I now follow a simple Christmas Gift List Rule System.

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My super simple gift rule system I use now is I buy gifts they WANT, NEED, WEAR and READ! This system also helps to take the ‘what do I get them for Christmas’ panic out of the equation and you might manage to stick to the budget you set yourself. And as I do, I created a fun Christmas Gift List Printable that’s available in my online store. It’s downloadable, comes in a few different designs and it will help you prepare for your big Christmas shop.  Let’s break down the four-word rule:


Ask the kids to write a wish list so you can see what they really want this Christmas, and select the top three. Evaluate the price tag, the practicality of the item and whether they have their heart set on it so bad that you know their disappointed faces on Christmas Day would break your heart. It’s ok to spoil your kids, but one very special present is enough. Or you can give them a second want gift from Santa.


Ask yourself what do they need? Socks, underwear, clothes, lunchbox, new stationery for the new year? For those little ones expecting that Santa Clause is coming to town, you could pass the need gift onto santa to gift to them.  If you don’t buy them at Christmas, you’re still going to need to buy those items in the new year.


Buy them something they can wear. Kids love clothes, and as long as you stay a hip mum and consider what’s cool, what’s in and what everyone else is wearing as a must-have item of this season, they will be very happy. I remember as a teen that I wanted bike shorts with a fluro strip up the side because everyone was wearing them. I wanted them soooo bad but Mum didn’t get them for me. She ended up buying me some denim shorts with a floral side pattern instead, but it just wasn’t the same. What I’m saying is, buy something your kids will actually wear and don’t just buy boring clothes that might make them feel like they got a raw deal this Christmas!

photo credit Pinterest


Do you remember when Harry Potter hit the shelves and how popular the series became with kids? Back then, I was buying the copies one at a time because we had to wait for each one to be released. Now you can buy the whole set in one. There really isn’t a better present than a boxed set of a special book series. I’m lucky because two of my three  children are bookworms and love new books. As long as I buy the right book series or books in general, they are always happy to get them for Christmas. Books make such wonderful gifts, and they teach your child to become better readers and writers – what a bonus!  Buy the full book Harry Potter Series online here.

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My kids have asked for an apple watch…… an apple watch…. time has changed from my day when all I wanted was a pair of bike shorts, LOL I’m scarred for life.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.