Recently a member of our community was seeking help, she is a stay at home mum and will be returning back to work soon and is eager for ideas on how she can maintain the home and work full time.  I asked the community for some tips to share and Amelia shared her process which I thought was very creative.  Here’s Amelia’s Working Mum’s Housework Routine.

Recently a member of our community was seeking help, she is a stay at home mum and will be returning back to work soon and is eager for ideas on how she can maintain the home and work full time.  I asked the community for some tips to share.

I try to do one thing a day and make it start with the letter of the day:

M – mirrors and mess (mess meaning out everything away that was in the wrong place)
T – towels and toilets (changing towels and cleaning the toilets)
W – weeding and wiping (as in a deep and proper clean of the kitchen and any surfaces that needed it or dusting)
T – tiles (cleaning the bathrooms)
F – floors
S – sheets
S – day off and do a meal plan and weekly food Shopping/preparation

Another friend puts a timer on her phone for 15 mins and each time her baby sleeps she goes around the house with a washing basket picking up and redistributing items to their rightful homes or does whatever she can in that 15 mins and then the rest of the sleep time is hers.

Penny also shared her tip: As a working Mum it is sometimes difficult to keep things tidy.  Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed I “put away 25 things”. If things haven’t improved I put away another 25.  Always makes a difference and I manage to keep the house relatively tidy prior to doing the weekend cleaning tasks.

What is your top tip to help manage housework and working?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.