Real Women, Real Families, Real Homes #1

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Over all the years that I have been blogging, nearly 8 years, I have shared all my tips on how I manage, clean and organise my household which then allows you to adapt my idea within your own homes.  I met some ladies over the weekend at an event that I went to that have followed me since my early days and they shared that the smallest of tips such a making the bed each day has helped them make a positive changes in their homes and they were so grateful (my heart sung, I was so humbled to hear this).  I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home. I have called this series Real Women, Real Families, Real Homes, I hope you find some inspiration within the stories I will share with you over the coming weeks.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

Our First Real Women, Real Families, Real Homes interview is with Wendy from Bundaberg in Queensland, Australia.  Wendy has 9 children between 25-6 years old, which I can image would keep her very busy.  Meet Wendy….

Would you describe yourself as a clean freak or a miss messy?

Definitely a clean freak.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

What is the feel in your home? 

I feel our home is chaotic, but only because of the number of children that we have. I try to be as organised as I can to make things easier.

What has been your biggest parenting struggle?

Just being so busy… it is still a work in progress.

Can you share a little about you, your family and your household?

We live in a small country town in Queensland. My husband and I have been married 30 years this year and we have nine children (six of whom are still under our roof). Our eldest daughter is studying Medicine in Newcastle and will graduate as a doctor at the end of this year. My second eldest daughter is living out of home. My third eldest daughter is away studying in Sydney – she is about to start her third year in her degree in echocardiography. My eldest son works as a labourer at a foundry. I have three children now in high school in years 7,9 and 12 and two in primary school. My youngest starting year 1 this year and another in year 5.

Probably the best way to describe our home is sometimes very noisy – especially when we all gather around the meal table for dinner. We do not really have after school commitments such as sports, dancing etc due to financial restraints. I do have some running around for the two high school girls that now hold part-time jobs a couple of afternoons a week after school.

Share a little about you and how you fill up your day? 

I have been a stay at home mum for the last six years. Last year was the first time in 25 years that I have not had children at home with me during the day, so that was a very big adjustment. The last year I have been trying to declutter and simplifying our home. I would like to have time for “me” instead of cleaning all day every day. This is my goal again for 2018. I have reduced so much as you don’t realise how much you accumulate over the years, especially with a large family.

A little spot for me in my wardrobe

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

What is your top tip for keeping your household organised?

I do laundry EVERY single day (including my birthday, Easter and Christmas)  I think laundry is the hardest task in our home, as I do three to four loads every day. If I did not keep up with the washing, I would not have enough line space to dry all the washing (we have two clotheslines). I also spend about 6-8 hours a week ironing.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

Does your family help towards household tasks? If so, what do they do?

Unfortunately, the children help minimally. I do have help emptying the kitchen bin and recycle bin by the younger boys and they empty the dishwasher each morning and after school. For some reason, as the children get older, the less they help. I think social media has a lot to do with this.

What is the most organised area in your home? 

My kitchen is organised (the biggest help to finally getting organised was making my kitchen into zones) it did take some time and I made a very big mess in the process. But putting all the appliances together.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

All the saucepans and cooking trays etc together.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

We also have a storeroom which we built when we did our second house extension. We have a very large family and to make ends meet I try to buy everything in bulk when it is on sale and this is where it is stored. It works very well for our family. Before we had a storeroom I started buying specials and stored them in adjustable shelves from Bunnings in the garage beside our car.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

Do you do any planning on the weekend?

I actually plan each evening for the next day. I write out my to-do list and work out if we have any appointments or commitments the next day.

What is your top tip to keeping the kids rooms tidy?

We actually have a playroom. This is what helps keep the children’s bedrooms tidy. There are no toys in their rooms, only a bed, bedside table (or bookshelf). This has helped keep their rooms tidy so much and I wish everyone could have this.

I recently contacted some ladies in our community and asked them if they could share their story of how they have transformed their homes from chaos to calm to share with you, to help you know that your not alone in your chaos and that it is possible to get some routines and systems in place to gain back control in your home.

Your a member of the 20 Day’s to Organise and Clean your home challenge eCourse, can you share your experience?

I ABSOLUTELY loved the 20 days to Organise and Clean your home challenge. I loved that we were given a task to complete. I also loved that we were given step by step how to do these tasks. It also helped immensely to have checklists to tick off and keep up with our progress. I would definitely recommend others to do this course, even if you are struggling or not struggling with your homes, it is wonderful to give your homes a deep thorough clean with the help and encouragement of Katrina and the lovely ladies in the facebook group.

3 benefits of The 20 days to Organise and Clean your home?

  • Tasks set for you to complete.
  • Encouragement along the way.
  • The end result!


Stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and not knowing where to start? Maybe… you’ve tried to follow a cleaning routine and even gotten yourself a bunch of boxes and baskets only to lose steam after the first couple of days. I want to show you how you can give your home the makeover that you’ve been dreaming of without having to take out a second mortgage {on prohibitively expensive cleaning products!} or spend every waking minute wiping, mopping, sweeping, scrubbing {only to do it all over again the next day!}.

All you need… is a rinse-and-repeat, easy-to-implement system that works for YOUR life and YOUR home.

Introducing 20 Days to Organise and Clean Your Home: The Mum-Tested, Kid-Approved Cleaning System that Sticks Even When Life Pulls It Apart!

“Its like a gym membership, but rather than getting your body fit  its getting your house clean!”

Join me with this easy-to-implement, daily tasks for 20 short days so you can quickly tick them off and be done with them, easily and painlessly.

Learn more about the 20 Days to Organise and Clean your Home eCourse here. 

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.