My kids are now on school holidays, it was such a long term for little kids.  So I am going to take a break from the blog this week to spend time with them.  But don’t worry I have scheduled in plenty of great reading for you!!

Today I am posting some wonderful reader tips, thankyou ladies for sharing them.  If you have a tip you would like to share, please email them through to me.

Kylie –

Hi ladies,
I have just come across this site and love it already. I am a labeler and have labels on linen cupboard, kitchen cupboards, large draws inside pantry, camping crates, metal shelving units in shed etc etc.

One thing I do that i haven’t noticed mentioned on here is make my kids (4 of them) lunches up in advance and freeze them. They are put into snap seal bags and written on with waterproof Nikko pen and the air ‘sucked’ out to create a vacuum seal effect.

Ingredients that I have had success freezing are:
Egg and Mayonaise
Ham (with cheese/chutney/pickles/dijon etc)
Tuna/Salmon and Mayonaise
Spreads – jam, vegemite, nutella, cream cheese, peanut butter, creamed spreadable honey.

I hope this helps some of you who, like me, hate making the sandwiches in the morning with the busy rush.

Ali –

When my laundry pile is like a mountain I invite my sister over for a coffee and she helps me fold my washing, I’m happy to do the same for her.  Multitasking at it’s best!!

Carmen –

I like to put my bundle of sheets into a pillow case, they tend to keep together well then. xo

Leisha –

Hi Katrina – on the idea of budget recipes, we too are trying to keep costs down at present.  I came across this blog this morning and thought you might like it:  Sandra is trying to feed a family of 4 for $60/wk.  She has some really creative recipes.  The usual fall back recipes in our house are ones that use up all the remaining f&v like soups (Pumpkin, minestrone etc), quiche, fried rice, stir fries and tacos.  I dice everything super small so it is not seen by the kids.  Tacos have celery in the mince mix,chopped carrot and cucumber are a topping.  Fried rice also has diced celery and cabbage in the mix and I use golden syrup instead of soy sauce if we have none.

Carol –

I’ve heard that putting soft teddies overnight (bagged) in the freezer helps reduce dust mites as well. Might be worth a try! Thanks for all your tips too. Very helpful.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.