Help Mums thrive at home – a new series

I created a series similar to this a few years ago, however I’m wanting to reshare it plus share more tips, as I think it was valuable and can help so many mums that are struggling.  This new series is a guide to help mum’s thrive at home.

Helping mums thrive at home

I was a stay at home mum for 7 years, from when I was 12 weeks pregnant until my youngest started prep, now I am a work at home mum, being a full time blogger. I struggled to fall pregnant and when we finally did I took every precaution to ensure I looked after myself and my babies so I stopped working very early on.  Also being that my first pregnancy was twins I was exhausted from the very beginning.

I wasn’t always as organised as I am today, I’ve had my share of struggles and melt downs, as all mothers tend to do, but going through that helped me to adapt routines to keep the house under control.

my story

After having my twins I felt so tired, washing was piling up, clutter was crowding our dining table and I was just emotionally drained.  I put on a happy face at times while deep down it was a struggle.  I didn’t want to be like this, I had a different vision of motherhood.  By changing the mindset and remembering what I wanted in being a parent, I managed to pick myself up and create some routines and schedules that worked for me at that crazy time of my life with twin babies. 2 year later we then welcomed our youngest daughter, boy having one baby after having two at once was a breeze!  You can read my full personal story here.

This photo was taken 12 years ago.

{The Organised Housewife} Twin babiesAbout the Helping Mum’s Thrive at Home series

Through this series I will share posts to guide you through your struggles, find your sanity and to help you thrive at home.

Being a mum at home with young children you can begin to feel:

  • ground-hog day
  • lonely
  • tired
  • a financial strain
  • but it can be very rewarding

I will share with you how I managed to get myself out of my slump, created routines and find my happier self.  I will share a post each Thursday, with tips such as:

  • changing your mindset
  • creating routines
  • finding balance
  • stopping comparison
  • and many tips on managing the home

Being a stay at home mum was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. It is supposed to be a happy time for you to enjoy your children while they are young, as they grow up far to quickly (don’t I know that now).

Tell me what your struggles are

If there is an area that you are struggling with, the kids, home, meals, cleanliness, etc please add them into the comments below and I will try to answer it throughout the series.  Leave anonymous comments if you prefer.

Please help – share your tips

One huge favour I have to ask: Through this series can you please leave a comment and let me know your experiences, tips and advice on each of the topics, so other mums can read a variety of tips and choose which one may help them in their household.

I hope you enjoy the new series!

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.