4 Old school fun pool games for kids

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

If you’re looking for a fun, safe way to keep your kids entertained these school holidays, then look no further than your own backyard—or rather, pool!

Swimming is a great way to stay active, and playing games in the pool is an awesome way to cool off and have some laughs. Here are some of our favourite pool games and activities that will keep the kiddies entertained for hours.

Marco Polo 

This classic game is always a hit with kids of all ages. To play, one person starts as “Marco” while everyone else is “Polo”. Marco has their eyes closed and swims around trying to find the other players. Everyone else calls out ‘polo’ until Marco eventually finds them (with help from their yells). The last person found becomes the next Marco. 

Aqua Hockey

Hockey in the pool! Get an inflatable Aqua Hockey Rink! Two players in the water or even outside of the pool on a flat table, inflate the rink and pucks to get the game started. Aim of the game is to get the puck into the goals. Person with most goals wins.

Sink or Swim 

Sink or Swim is another pool game classic that works best with 4-8 players. One person stands in the middle of the pool and calls out either “sink” or “swim”. Everyone on the edge has to decide if they want to sink below the water or swim away from it when they hear either word—and act quickly too because if someone sinks when they should have swam (or vice versa), then they are eliminated from the game! The last one standing wins!

Treasure Hunt 

If you have little ones who can’t swim yet (or don’t feel comfortable doing so), then a fun treasure hunt may be just what they need to have some fun in the pool without getting wet. Hide small toys at various locations around your pool area and let your kids go on an adventure searching for them! You can even assign points based on how hard each toy was to find, making it even more competitive…if that’s what you’re into.  

No matter what age your children are, there’s bound to be a game or activity here that will make them smile and ensure everyone stays cool these holidays! 

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.