A Homework Caddy set up with the stationery supplies needed, and ready to use means no more hunting for pencils or misplaced school readers!
When my kids were younger I never liked them spending too much time in the afternoons after school on homework. I much preferred that they were outside in the fresh air and playing. Nothing will drag out the time that homework takes to get done than not being able to find a lead pencil, a calculator or a missing school reader.
Creating a homework caddy is a brilliant idea to keep all the stationery supplies and other items organised and easily accessible. Plus the fact that it is portable is so handy. Perhaps your younger children like to complete their homework near where you are, with a portable caddy, they can easily move and set up near you. Or on those days when the afternoon is just too beautiful to be inside and your children are reluctant about sitting down to homework, you could make it more fun by heading outdoors. Grab the homework caddy and spread a picnic blanket in the garden.
I love the felt caddies (pictured above) that are in stock in my shop as they are so versatile and can be used for so many different purposes. They work really well as a homework caddy with the pockets on the side, and there is plenty of room for extra paper and books.
I purchase extra stationery supplies when I do the back to school shopping so that I have some to keep at home for homework purposes.
Stationery you might need:
- Lead pencils
- Coloured pencils
- Crayons and/or textas
- Sharpener
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Calculator
- Blank exercise book
- Plain and lined paper
- Clipboard
Other Items that might be useful to have:
- Maths set (compass, protractor etc)
- Sight word cards
- Lettering book – available here
- Dictionary
- Post its
- Art supplies
- Highlighters

Where do your children like to do their homework?
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