Book Week is coming up fast, next week for many schools! Does your kids’ primary school have a Book Week Parade? When my kids were in primary school we loved creating new costumes every year but sometimes it’s hard to work out which costume to wear and create. Below you will find lots of ideas to help get the creative ideas flowing. I’ve put links to my past years posts too which all have even more ideas to help inspire you to ensure that you’re not rushing around last minute.
- 2018 Book Week Costume Ideas – This year’s theme is “Find Your Treasure”
- 2016 Book Week Costume Ideas – this is the year my twins dressed up as hansel and gretel
- 2015 Book Week Costume Ideas – my youngest dressed up as giant Alice in Wonderland, so much fun
- 2014 Book Week Costume Ideas – my daughter dressed up as a gumnut baby
Isn’t this the cutest! Could be used for an older child in primary school. Borrow Grandpas walking frame (don’t leave him short though, make sure its a spare). Image found on i.pinimg.
Why not let your little princess borrow some heels and a scarf with a little tutu and dress up like Fancy Nancy. Image found on fivebrothersonesister.
Bright and colourful Loraz from the Dr Seuss books. Image found on i.pinim.
Matilda is an easier choice as most girls would have a cute little denim dress and white throw over. Image found via umeandthekids.

BFG with Paper Ears and and a cute egg case nose. Image found on theguardian.
Dress the whole family in a theme. Image found on umeandthekids.
Cat in the Hat has been a favourite for many years and still a popular choice. Visit the link below for step by step guide in creating your own. Images found on BlogPartyDelights.
These Lego boxes are a fantastic idea! Image found on instructables. Follow the step by step guide on the link
I have enjoyed looking back on these when my kids were little and loved dressing up. Now they are all in high school and taller than me!!
2016 BOOK WEEK COSTUME IDEAS – Australia Story Country theme. View post here.
2015 18+ BOOK CHARACTER COSTUME IDEAS – You will find a super cute picture of my youngest dressed as Alice in Wonderland in this post. View post here.
2014 10+ BOOK WEEK COSTUME IDEAS – Snuggle Post has to be one of my all time favourite costumes we created. View post here.
2011 BOOK CHARACTER COSTUMES – A few years ago some readers emailed me some of their kids dressed up for Book Character Parade, some clever ideas here my twins dressed up as Hansel and Gretel, and I also shared a photo of them dressed as thing 1 and thing 2, there’s a really cute gingerbread man, a clever crocodile and more. See readers costume ideas here.
What is your child dressing up as this year?
I would love to see a photo to then share for inspiration for next year! Please tag me on instagram, username: organised_house or email me [email protected]