From new shoes to lunchboxes to stationery, there’s a lot to do to get ready for a new school year. Here are 5 things you may forget to do before school goes back.

It’s that time of year where we’re organising haircuts, labelling books, making trips to the shoe shop and buying new drink bottles and lunchboxes. Soon those uniforms will come out of the cupboard and we’ll be sending the kids back to school!
In the rush to get everything done, there are some things that might fall off your list. Here are five things that are easily forgotten in the rush to go back to school.
Swim stuff – Swim programs often start really early in the year to take advantage of summer weather. If your school offers swimming lessons as part of the curriculum or holds an annual swim carnival, check in advance what your child might need. There may be uniform swimwear or regulations around the kind of swimmers required. You may also need a swim bag, rashie, swim hat, goggles, thongs and a towel.
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