Sheridan RewardsSheridan Rewards

Sheridan Rewards

Instantly enjoy 20% off full price items

Plus, receive exclusive member offers.

Join free

Already have a Sheridan account? Simply sign in to automatically access your updated benefits.

Your loyalty means the world to us

We’re offering you 20% off, every time you shop our full price collection.

*If you already have a Sheridan account, simply sign in to automatically access your updated benefits.


Your loyalty means the world to us

We’re offering you 20% off, every time you shop our full price collection.

*If you already have a Sheridan account, simply sign in to automatically access your updated benefits.

Enjoy this and other exclusive member
benefits when you shop online or in store.

Benefits include:

Free shipping

Say goodbye to unwanted surprises at the checkout. When you shop online, you’ll receive free standard shipping for Sheridan Members on orders over $150 and save $9.95 on every order.

Free 45-day returns

Prone to commitment issues? Return in store or online at no extra cost — we’ll take care of the $9.95 online return fee.

Birthday voucher

We can't promise a cake and candles, but we can promise a birthday gift that will help get you exactly what you want.

Updates & inspiration

We've got a lot to share. Stay updated with the latest news, trends and inspiration from our team of talented designers.

20% off full price items

Enjoy 20% off full price items instantly. Plus, receive exclusive member offers.

Win your Sheridan wishlistWin your Sheridan wishlist
Members Exclusive

Win your Sheridan wishlist

Have you made your list and checked it twice? We don't mind if you've been naughty or nice — you deserve to be spoiled this Christmas.

Win a Two night stay at
Dovecote for two

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