A gift that goes down in family history.

A gift that goes down in family history.

A gift that goes down in family history.

Select a gift membership

Select a gift membership

All Australia, NZ, UK & Ireland Records

6-month membership

World Heritage

6-month membership

All Access

6-month membership

All Australia, NZ, UK & Ireland Records

12-month membership

World Heritage

12-month membership

All Access

12-month membership

All Australia, NZ, UK & Ireland Records

UK Heritage Plus Membership includes: Access all Australia, NZ, UK & Irish records on Ancestry®.

World Heritage

World Heritage Membership includes: Access all Australia, NZ & all international records on Ancestry®.

All Access

Give your loved ones access to all the records on Ancestry®, plus military records on Fold3, and articles on Newspapers.com™ Basic®

Keep in mind that this is a one-time, non-renewing membership and you will only be billed for the cost of the membership you select above.

Did you receive a gift membership?
Get started now

Sending an Ancestry gift membership is simple.

Sending an Ancestry gift membership is simple.

Select a membership plan

Select a membership plan

Choose the desired gift membership plan and add it to your cart. Sign in with your existing Ancestry account or create an account if you’re a new user.

Complete your gift order

Complete your gift order

Enter your friend or family member’s information, a personalized gift message, the date you’d like the gift to be delivered, and complete your order.

Recipient redeems gifts

Recipient redeems gift

On the requested delivery date, your recipient will receive a gift membership email with easy instructions on how they can access their Ancestry membership.

Have questions?

  • A gift membership is a non-renewing membership paid for by one person (the gift-giver) to be used by someone else (the recipient), which gives the recipient access to Ancestry’s records and services for a period of time.

  • No. If a recipient wants to continue his or her Ancestry membership after the gift membership expires, he or she can sign up and pay for a regular, automatically-renewing subscription through one of Ancestry’s websites.

  • Only if it hasn’t yet been accessed by the original recipient. In that case, the gift-giver or recipient can transfer the gift membership and access code to someone else by contacting Member Services.

  • After you purchase a gift membership we will send you an order confirmation email with details you can share with your recipient. On the start date you've chosen we will send an email to your recipient telling them how to access the gift membership. Prior to the start date, you are welcome to notify the recipient that an email will be arriving with their access code, and that their subscription starts the date it arrives.

View all gift membership FAQs

Need more information? Call 1-800-251-838

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. AEDT

Saturday - Sunday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. AEDT