The Organised Housewife’s Guide to doing the dishes and detoxing the kitchen

This post is sponsored by Finish Power and Pure

Kitchen cleaning is like ground hog day, every day it has to be done.  Prior to kids I always had the kitchen tidy, however after the twins were born I let my routine go.  I would make dinner, spend the evening with the kids and hubby and then do the dishes the following morning.  I woke to a dirty kitchen and have to say this is an instant mood changer, not the right way to start a day.  It’s times like this you know something has to change.

Read on for my top tips to detox your kitchen and The Organised Housewife’s Guide to doing the dishes.

The Organised Housewife’s Guide to doing the dishes

A guide to doing the dishes… mundane, but simple steps like this can help those that just don’t know how to keep control in their kitchen.

After breakfast my kids unpack the dishwasher, one child unpacks the cutlery, another the bottom shelf (before the top is done so no spills of water from the top rack falls onto the dry bottom rack), then the other child empties the top shelf.  We keep track of who does what using the tasks to do chart.


I make kids lunches and then pack the dishwasher with all the mornings dirty dishes


As I boil the kettle for my morning coffee I put away last night dishes that are sitting in the sink


As the day goes by I put all dishwasher type dishes into the dishwasher and leave the other items in the sink.  I’m such a messy cook, I can easily mess up my whole kitchen bench


As the dinner is cooking in the oven I will pack the dishwasher and do the dishes.  If it’s not an oven style dinner I will do this after dinner.  Typically I handwash all my casserole dishes as I feel they usually need a good scrub, however I’ve been trailing the Finish Power & Pure and and I’m really surprised with the results.


I think my little fingers are going to enjoy less scrubbing, now I can put the big dishes in the dishwasher


Once dinner is finished I turn on the dishwasher and let the dishes in the sink stand over night to repeat my kitchen cleaning day tomorrow.

The results of washing the casserole dish in the dishwasher

The casserole dish came out spotless with no need for any extra cleaning.  I was really surprised as in the past with other products the stubborn baked on areas didn’t completely clean, which then left me with always hand scrubbing them. I’m truly happy as I have started to get some pain in my thumb joints which often flares up when doing the dishes, especially scrubbing.  Now I can pack them into the dishwasher!

Finish Power & Pure use the power of activey oxygen to give you the same sparkling clean dishes but with less chemicals and residue.  Active oxygen is a healthy technology that gives you a purer choice for the ones you love.


Detox your Kitchen

As I mentioned here I took 7 Day Detox challenge.  During the 7 days I looked at the different methods and products I used to clean the kitchen.  My kids have skin allergies which particularly flare up around this time of year with change of season.  Without a doubt I truly believe that reducing the chemicals in our home lessens the chances of their skin becoming inflamed.

Below are some of my chemical free cleaning tips:

Naturally cleaning the microwave

  1. Half fill a glass jug, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar.  Place in microwave and turn on for 5 min. (this will loosen all the food)
  2. Remove glass jug
  3. Remove the glass turntable from microwave, clean and dry.
  4. Remove the rotating element the plate sits on, clean and dry. This will give you easier access to the dirt in the microwave.
  5. Wipe over inside of mircowave
  6. Place element and turntable back into microwave
  7. Wipe over outside of micowave, polish if stainless steel.


Naturally cleaning the floor

The floors will smell like vinegar for only a few minutes, after this the smell will disappear.  What I like about this solution is that it does not leave a residue on the floor and they are not slippery.

Fill bucket with water and add 1/2 cup of white vinegar.


Naturally cleaning the oven

  • To remove the baked on food at the bottom of your oven sprinkle with bicarb soda.  Fill a spray bottle with vinegar, then spray this over the bicarb, allow to sit for an hour.  Then it should be easy to remove, if not, repeat the process.
  • To clean the shelves, place a few old towel in your bathtub (enough to prevent scratches) then place your shelves on top of the towel and sprinkle nappy-san over top.  Fill bath with HOT water enough to cover the shelves.  Leave for approx 1 1/2 hours or overnight.  Gently scrub grime, should easily come off.

This giveaway is now closed.


Three great prizes which I am sure will be helpful in every household

1 years supply of Finish Power & Pure and $1,500 worth of Breville products

1 years supply of Finish Power and Pure and $500 worth of Breville Products

1 years supply of Finish Power and Pure


Don’t worry if your Finish Power & Pure samples haven’t arrived yet. Finish have extended the competition entry date to 10.00am Friday 6th June 2014, so there is still plenty of time for you to start your 7-Day Detox.


Please view full terms and conditions here.

This post was coordinated by The Remarkables Group and run in accordance with my disclosure policy

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.