Why spring cleaning can be good for you

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Spring cleaning is not just good for your home, it’s also incredibly beneficial for your mind and mood.

Why spring cleaning can be good for you

Spring is here! This fabulous season is known for many things – warmer weather, fresh flowers, longer days and most importantly – CLEANING! It is the season to declutter, reorganise, mop, polish, sort and vacuum every nook and cranny of your home. 

Throwing away unwanted items, donating used clothes and toys and tidying up your living areas is a great way to increase space, decrease anxiety and stress, encourage creativity, boost your mood and welcome the new season in a positive and meaningful way. It is an annual reminder that should be celebrated, rather than dreaded!

Over winter many things get a little dirty and dusty (I need to give my blinds and window sills a good dust). I want to help motivate you to believe it’s good to have a spring clean, set you up so you are ready and help you determine where to start.

Spring cleaning is all about clearing away the dust and cobwebs in the home, but taking the time to have a good clean out also helps to declutter your mind, can be a great stress reliever and be good for your health.


Spring symbolises new beginnings which is a great opportunity to reflect on the past few months and re-evaluate the months ahead by creating a fresh approach. Perhaps you think you don’t have time or you don’t think you can or know how to. You absolutely can!


While having a clean out, it’s a great opportunity to get rid of things in your life that are holding you back and reminding you of unhappy times. Don’t be afraid to let it go. While the initial act of throwing something away may be daunting, soon you will feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. In time, it will decrease your stress and improve your overall happiness.


You may not realise it or see it with your naked eye, but if you don’t clean your home regularly you will have dust mites, insect droppings, bacteria-filled sponges, out of date food, which all contribute to many health problems. By removing the winter build-up, this will help prevent or deter allergy symptoms.


Spend less time searching for things by taking the time to remove the clutter and unnecessary items you are holding onto. By purging the clutter you will spend less time looking for what you need, and it will make it easier to clean.


I know I can’t be alone in this one. I get a little spring in my step when the house is clean and tidy, that I have cleaned away the dust hiding behind the back of the toilet and the bottom of my wardrobe.


Cleaning is not fun, but a good quality cleaning session can release endorphins in your brain that can improve your health and happiness.  I came home from a walk just recently and felt so energised that I spent the next hour cleaning the kitchen and I was surprisingly really happy once I finished. Put on your activewear, some upbeat music and make it a good session for you to work out! I can see you now squatting up and down as you wipe over your kitchen cupboard doors LOL. Cleaning can be quite therapeutic.


While you’re cleaning you’ll more than likely find that ‘thing’ that you have misplaced or even money that was hiding (shopping trip!).


At the end of your spring clean you will end up with a beautifully clean home, which won’t require any cleaning for awhile being that it’s all spick and span. Give yourself a week off cleaning! While our house is looking it’s best, call your mum, mother-in-law or friends over and invite them in for a cuppa. Shout yourself some beautiful spring flowers as they will undoubtedly look glorious in your freshly cleaned home.


If you feel this task may be too daunting for you, then start small. Start in one corner of the house as you will be amazed at how satisfying it is to look at the tidy space, which would be a great motivation to tackle another corner.



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Fabulosa spray from OrganisedHQ
Fabulosa Multi-Purpose Spray - Pineapple and Coconut
Grill Cleaning Brush from OrganisedHQ
Grill Cleaning Brush
The Pink Stuff The Miracle Cream Cleanser
The Pink Stuff The Miracle Cream Cleanser

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.