How to clean the stovetop

Food can easily spill on the stovetop when you’re cooking and make a mess. Whether you have an electric, glass or gas cooktop, here’s how to clean the stovetop.

The easiest way to keep the stove clean is to wipe up any messes right away, but sometimes burnt-on food can require extra attention. Before you start cleaning your stove, make sure it’s off and cool and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

How to clean the stovetop

You will also find all these step to clean the stovetop in my book The Clean Home



Quick clean

Glass Cooktop


Spray the surface with cleaning spray and wipe with a damp cloth (or use wipes) to remove any splatters or spills.


Use a mini cleaning brush or toothpick to remove crumbs stuck between the edges of your cooktop and bench.

Gas Cooktop


When cool, pick up the grates, spray the surface with cleaning spray and use a damp cloth to remove any platters or spills. Wipe over the grates with the cloth as you place them back.

Food can easily spill on the stovetop when you're cooking and make a mess. Whether you have an electric, glass or gas cooktop, here's how to clean your stove.

Electric Cooktop


Use a lightly dampened cloth dipped in hot water and dishwashing liquid to wipe over coil or plate burners.


For stubborn grime, apply cleaning paste. Alternatively, apply Lemon Soda Paste, allow to sit for 10 minutes, the spritz with vinegar, sit for another 5 minutes and then gently clean area. Clean again to remove paste residue with cleaning spray and a cloth.


Spray the entire cooktop with cleaning spray and polish dry with a cloth.

DEEP clean

Glass Cooktop


Spray the cooktop with cleaning spray. Remove splatters and spills with a damp cleaning sponge.


For burnt-on food, sprinkle the area with bicarb soda. Lay a lightly wrung-out cleaning cloth that has been soaked in hot water and dishwashing liquid over the baked-on area. Leave for 30 minutes, then use the cloth to wipe away build-up. You can also use a cooktop scraper, carefully following instructions to gently scrape off the burnt food. Wipe the cooktop with a cloth and repeat until removed.


For stubborn marks, apply a small amount of cleaning paste directly onto the mark and allow to sit for 5 minutes. Use a cleaning cloth or sponge to puff the area until the mark has disappeared. Repeat if necessary. Alternatively, add a few drops of water to Lemon Soda Paste and wipe over the cooktop with a cloth. Leave for 10 minutes. Spray with vinegar and leave for a further 5 minutes. Wipe over with a damp cloth. Buff dry with a dry cleaning cloth.


Spray the entire cooktop with cleaning spray and polish dry with a cloth.

Gas Cooktop


Fill the sink with hot water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.


Place grates and burner heads in the sink (use the laundry tub if the sink is too small, placing a towel in the bottom of the wink to prevent scratches) and soak for 30 minutes. Use a cleaning sponge to clean away grease build-up. Rinse and lay on a towel to dry. Check your cooktop manual first as some grates may be placed in the dishwasher for an easy clean.


Spray cleaning spray onto a cleaning cloth and clean inside the burners, picking up any spills. Use cleaning paste or Lemon Soda Paste for stubborn marks around the burners and a mini cleaning brush to remove crumbs. Use d amp cloth to remove the paste and wipe away crumbs.


Spray the entire cooktop with cleaning spray and polish dry with a cleaning cloth.


Place the completely dry grates and burner heads back.

How often?

Daily – quick clean after every use

Monthly – deep clean

Cleaning brush from Organised HQ
Multi-purpose cleaning brush
Cooktop cleaner from OrganisedHQ
Bar Keepers Friend Cooktop Cleaner
Cooktop scraper from OrganisedHQ
White Magic Cooktop Scraper

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.