Freshen Up And Clean Carpets – Without Chemicals!

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Deodorise your carpet and remove unpleasant odours with this simple, quick, and non-toxic homemade carpet cleaning solution.

Residue, dirt and dust from our feet, pets paws or simply windows being open, can quickly build up in our carpets and leave them smelly and drab. Whilst there are plenty of commercial carpet cleaners and deodorising products on the market, they can be expensive and often come packed with unnecessary chemicals and artificial fragrances.

keep carpets clean with animals and pets

You can deodorise and remove unpleasant odours from your carpets easily, with this inexpensive homemade carpet cleaner that’s as simple as grabbing a popular product which is probably already kicking around inside your pantry.

I’m not a huge fan of commercial carpet cleaners, and would always prefer to use chemical-free and natural products where possible. I have also found that some of the commercial carpet cleaning products can leave a dull watermark on my carpets. So what’s the answer? What is this magical inexpensive product that can have my carpets smelling lush once more? It’s plain old bicarb soda (or baking soda depending on where you are in the world)!

Why Use Bicarb Soda?

  • Absorbs and neutralises odours – doesn’t just cover them up!
  • Environmentally-friendly
  • Affordable
  • Free of harsh chemicals – it’s safe enough to include in our baking!
  • Fragrance free and unlikely to irritate allergies
  • Readily available at most supermarkets

  SHOP: Due to popular demand – these stainless steel shakers are available in my shop. Order here. 

bicarb soda and lemon essential oil for cleaning carpets

How To Clean Carpets With Bicarb Soda

This is perhaps the cheapest, easiest, and simplest way to freshen and clean your carpets.


Put 1/2 a cup of bicarb soda in a stainless steel shaker. Alternatively, you could make your own shaker with a jar and a piece of glossy paper attached to the top with a rubber band. Poke some holes in the paper and you’re good to go.


If you’re wanting to add a pleasant fragrance to your carpets – as opposed to just removing the funky ones – you can add 10-20 drops of essential oil to your bicarb soda and mix well. I like to add lemon or sunkissed essential oils when deodorising my carpets.


Sprinkle the bicarb soda over the carpet and allow to sit for at least 15 minutes. I recommend sprinkling it on the carpet before going to bed and leaving it overnight. The bicarb soda won’t damage the carpet, just ensure that nobody (humans or pets!) walk on the carpet.

clean carpets with no chemicals using bicarb soda


Vacuum the bicarb soda up out of the carpet, and notice how the unpleasant odours are removed with it!

Things To Be Mindful Of When Using Bicarb Soda On Carpets – Only use bicarb soda on dry carpets, not wet. Keep pets and small children away from the carpets when treating as the bicarb soda may irritate their paws, feet or eyes if they come into contact with it.


DIY chemical free carpet cleaning with dogs and pets

  READ MORE: 9 Cleaning Shortcuts To Save You Time and Energy

Cleaning shortcuts to save you time and energy

  SHOP: DIY Homemade Cleaning Recipes eBook – for those who prefer non-toxic homemade cleaning products!

Non-toxic chemical free homemade cleaning recipes ebook


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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.