{Cleaning} When you are sick

I have been a little sick recently, flu’s, headaches, just the winter blues all round, like everybody else.  It’s not a great feeling when you are sick.  I like to lie on the couch and catch up on my favourite TV shows and rest.  Resting is the best medicine.

I have received many messages recently asking, how do I keep on top of my housework while I am sick, or looking after a sick little one.  Below are my top tasks to complete to ensure that it won’t get on top of you.


  • If you can, put a load of washing in the washing machine, turn on
  • If you are not up to putting it out, ask your hubby or kids to put the load on the line.  Otherwise, put in the dryer
  • Washing doesn’t need to be folded, just clean and dry each day


  • At the end of the day get hubby or the kids to do the dishes for you.  If this isn’t an option, try and do a quick wash.  Not a complete kitchen clean, just the dishes.

I find if these 2 tasks don’t get completed it’s an overwhelming task to get the house back into order when I am fit and well again.

But hubby never helps

I am sadly hearing this often lately, a lot of readers don’t have the help of their partner around the house.  Be it that he works long hours (understandable) or it’s just not his thing to help around the house.  But when you are sick I hope that you can help him find some desire to help you make those few day’s a little easier. {image credit}.

If you find it hard to get hubby to help around the house, as hard as it may be, try not to criticise him and be thankful for the effort, then maybe he may just do it again for you 🙂  image credit unknown

What do you do when your feeling sick?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.