How to keep the house clean and organised with kids

Learn tips and tricks to keep your house clean and organised with kids, as being a mum of young children presents challenges in maintaining tidiness. Discover easy, affordable storage solutions for toys and clothes to manage housework effectively.

Ask Kat
I’m wondering if you have tips for keeping on top of housework and easy (and very very cheap) kid friendly storage solutions (toys and clothes) for a family of 5 in a small three bedroom, one bathroom home? I have three little kids at home with me (5, 3, 8 months) and I feel like I am constantly helping someone with something and never get to any of my own tasks unless I put on the TV and race around like a crazy person! I’d love to think of ways I can include my bigger two in my tasks to teach them about the cooking/cleaning/organising of the house in safe and achievable ways, but thinking creatively takes time and energy I don’t really have at the moment! Can you please help or point me in the right direction? 

Being a mum of young children can be a difficult task, especially when it comes to keeping the house tidy and organised. With toys and clothes constantly piling up in a small space, it can become a daunting task to stay on top of everything. I’ll share some tips and tricks to help you keep on top of your housework while also providing easy and affordable storage solutions for toys and clothes.



One of the best ways to keep your house clean and organised with kids is to involve them in your daily chores, or as I like to call them, daily tasks. Not only will they learn valuable household skills, but it can also serve as a fantastic bonding opportunity for you and your children. 

For example, have your older children help you with the dishes or have them dust the furniture. Give your younger children an age-appropriate task like picking up toys off the floor. Doing this creates a sense of teamwork and responsibility within your family while also getting things done around the house.

Most children are much more willing to participate in tidying when it’s fun for them. Try creating a song, playing music, timing them or making it a race to inspire them. It’s a much more effective method than simply ordering them around.

I did this with my kids.  I remember when the twins were still crawling, perhaps 11 months old.  We would sing a packing up song as we were tidying up the toys, totally made up “we are packing up the toys, we are packing up the toys, packing packing packing up, packing up the toys’ makes it fun and joyful.


Creating a cleaning schedule is a great way to balance your household tasks and responsibilities, especially when it comes to keeping the house clean and organised with kids. It can be overwhelming to tackle everything at once, so creating a daily or weekly schedule will help you stay on track.
Set specific days for specific tasks like laundry, dusting, and vacuuming. By doing this, you’ll be able to tackle one task at a time without feeling overwhelmed.

Using my ultimate cleaning checklist each week can transform the mundane task of house cleaning into an exciting game with the kiddies. This allows the kids to take part in everyday household chores, encouraging them to be responsible while also having fun ticking off completed tasks. Each tick signifies a small victory, adding an element of gratification to the cleaning process for you and for them. For us mums, this not only lessens our load but also creates an opportunity for constructive family time.


Organising your children’s toys and clothes can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several easy and affordable storage solutions that you can make at home. For example, turn an old bookshelf into a toy storage area by adding baskets or bins to hold your children’s toys. It’s simple to accumulate an excess of toys for the kids. However, establishing a guideline for yourself to only acquire what can be accommodated in a specified space will also assist in maintaining your budget.
You can also use a hanging shoe organiser to store toys or small clothes items like socks or underwear. Another great idea is to use a tension rod in a closet for hanging clothes, or use plastic crates for storing larger items like blankets or bedding.
I had a very similar system to the one below for my kids, it made it easy for them to put away their toys. This storage unit is available here.  


If you’re short on space, then making use of vertical storage is key. Wall-mounted shelves or storage systems like pegboards are great for storing items such as books, toys, and kitchen items. You can also use over-the-door shoe organisers for organising small items like hair accessories or craft supplies. By using vertical storage, you’re taking advantage of unused space in your home.


Lastly, taking advantage of multitasking can help you get more done in a shorter amount of time. For example, while you’re cooking dinner, have your kiddies help you set the table or wipe down the counters. While you’re folding laundry, have your children help you sort the clothes by type or by family member. By doing this, you’re making the most of your time while also including your children in your daily tasks.

Keeping on top of housework and organising your children’s toys and clothes can be a challenge, but with a few simple tips and tricks, it can be done. You can create a tidy and organised living space by involving your children in your daily tasks, creating a cleaning schedule, and using easy and affordable storage solutions. Remember, multitasking is key these small changes can make a big difference in your day-to-day life and will help you create a happier and more organised home for you and your family.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.