Cleaning your washing machine filter keeps it working properly and your laundry smelling fresh. If you’ve never cleaned the washing machine filter before, here are my tips!

There is one place in your washing machine that you may not know you need to clean (for awhile, I didn’t even know you had to clean it!) and that is your washing machine filter. If you don’t clean it, it can get rusty and make your washing smelly!

How to clean a washing machine filter
Place a tray under the filter door, ready to catch the water that comes out.
Open the filter door and unscrew the the two round filters. They will likely be quite dirty and possibly smelly! If you’ve been finding your washing isn’t smelling April fresh, a dirty filter could be the reason why.

Clear out gunk from the filter – this is a classic hiding spot for things like hairpins and jewellery that have been caught up in the washing. Place the filters in the tray.
Put a tea towel under the filter door to stop any drips, then take the tray over to your sink.
Run the filters under warm water (not hot, as it may damage the filter) to rinse as much gunk off as you can.

Use a little cleaning brush to clean off the rest of the dirt. If there are any stubborn brown marks, they are likely rust marks that can’t be removed. You can use dishwashing liquid to help remove grease and grime – just be sure to rinse thoroughly.
Before you put the clean filters back in, take a moment to clean out the part of the machine that holds the filters. Spray some of my cleaning spray into the cavity and use a little cleaning brush to gently clear out any remaining gunk. (Keep the teatowel underneath to avoid mess on the floor. Use a dry microfibre cloth to wipe it all out.

Place the filters back in the machine, twisting them as tightly as possible to avoid leaking. Close the door, clear away the dirty teatowel and wipe away any water or mess from your floor. All done!
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