To the Mum who doesn’t think she can do it all

I haven’t always been The Organised Housewife.

Once upon a time, I was just a new Mum of twins and then 3 under the age of 2, crying behind the bathroom door. My washing was taking over my house, while the rest of my house looked like a bomb had gone off. I spent my nights repeating the New Mother mantra of I can’t do it all, but… while tears poured down my face. I felt a sense of defeat and overwhelm. It was all too much. How could I possibly stay on top of it all? They don’t write about this feeling in the baby books. They tell you what to expect in the delivery room, how to get your child sleeping through the night, which leap is coming up next and what a regression is but they don’t tell you what happens to the Mother.

The Mother who used to be able to do it all and now she can’t. The Mother who feels guilty because she believes she’s not doing enough. The Mother who loves her babies so much but has lost herself somewhere in the process. You feel like you’ve lost any control you ever had. While you’re sitting there trying to soak up every newborn moment it’s also dawning on you that this is going to be harder than you thought it would be. At least that’s how I felt. And when I approached my Mothers Group for advice, I realised that we were all feeling the same thing.

If you’re reading this and resonating with every word, you’re not alone. We’ve all been here at some point. It was at this point that I realised I could either let the overwhelm defeat me, or I could fight back. I wanted to prove that it is possible to do it all. Having a clean house means so much than just having a clean house when you’re a Mother. It means that despite the chaos you can’t control- like a teething child or a toddler who’s screaming on the floor because you cut their apple wrong- you can control something.

I reignited the woman inside of me who was never seen without a list or a chart pre-babies and I put her to work. And over 15 years later and a mum to 3 young teens, I can proudly say that I absolutely can and have done it all. And so can you! I’ve spent the last 15 years perfecting, trialling and experimenting schedules, routines, charts and hacks that have made my life easier. And it has been my mission and my passion to be able to share all of these with other women. I know how hard it can be but I also know that you can take your life back. You can organise your life so that you can have more time for your babies and even more importantly – yourself.

I created the 20-Day Challenge To Organise And Clean Your Home program as a crash course to take back your life. I want to help you find balance and I want to help you manage your time by sharing my tips, steps and secrets to an organised household. This course is about feeling empowered, it’s about taking back control- it’s about coming back to yourself. I’m here to support you on this journey and make sure you finish the 20 days feeling like you’ve got this.

Because you do.

Despite what you’ve been telling yourself – you can absolutely do it all.

OMG! I loved this challenge so much. I highly recommend it to every house wife/husband. Kat has done such an amazing job putting it all together, it was such a good feeling being able to tick each step as you went giving you a little ‘yay me’ moment. The results at the end of each day and at the end of that day 20 was so rewarding. So much pressure has lifted off my shoulders and I’m now looking forward to spending the holidays with my kids, stress-free.


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.